TEXT: I Corinthians 15:12-22

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is the central miracle of the Bible. There is no doubt that the virgin birth of our Lord is a monumental miracle. Miracles confirmed his deity throughout his short three years of ministry. This included turning water into wine, raising the dead, healing the sick, casting out demons, multiplying a school boy’s lunch to feed a multitude, walking on water and silencing a raging tempest on the sea. But, if after all this, despite his prophetic word that he would rise from the dead, if he should remain lifeless in the tomb the rest would be only a footnote in history.

Jesus died on the cross. There is no doubt about that. He was buried in a tomb. The record supports that. The religious leaders knew that Jesus said he would rise in three days. In order to circumvent any mischief from his disciples to steal his body away, and fabricate a story of resurrection, they insisted that the tomb be sealed and a Roman guard be posted under the tightest possible security. Their request was granted. And, the bereaved loved ones mourned his death.

Think of it! The heavenly host of angels, seraphim and cherubim had sung his praise. But now, he was dead. They wore black armbands and had no song to sing. Heaven was silent.

Now Jesus didn’t need an alarm clock to wake him up! Suddenly the silent angels saw a ripple life flow through those grave clothes. The Son of God rose in power and majesty and the angels sang again. He had risen from the dead, never to die again! “Death could not keep its prey, Jesus my Savior, He tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord! Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes. He arose the victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever with his saints to reign. He Arose! He Arose! Hallelujah; Christ arose!

An angel had smitten the guards and they, overwhelmed with fear, were as dead men. When they recovered from their stupor, the tomb was empty. They were shocked to see that the stone sealed by Rome was compromised and the stone was rolled back. They were facing court martial for dereliction of duty. When they reported these matters the chief priests, they were paid off to say that while they were sleeping, Jesus body was stolen. The chief priests then promised to bribe the senior officers to let the guards off the hook. This is the lie that was circulated around the city. Not one bit of this conspiracy worked. Evidence mounted that Jesus Christ had indeed risen from the dead.

In the text, the Apostle Paul recounts those who had seen him in his risen state. He was seen by Cephas. He then was seen by the twelve. He was seen by more than five hundred at once. He was seen by James and then by all of the apostles. Special attention was given that Peter should see him. Thomas would not believe until he could place his hands in the scars on his side and in the nail prints of his hands. Last of all, Saul of Tarsus the great persecutor of the church, saw the risen Lord as he was smitten by his divine presence on the Damascus Road.

Simon Peter was the blunderbuss. It is true that when Jesus asked the disciples whom they thought he was, Peter had the right answer. “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God”. Yet in the same chapter when Peter took offense at the thought of Jesus dying, the Lord rebuked him, saying to him, “Get thou behind me Satan”. Peter promised that though all else would fail Jesus, he would give his life for him. He drew a sword and severed the ear of the servant of the high priest when Jesus was arrested. He was a better fisherman than a swordsman. He went for the head and only got the ear. The last miracle of healing on earth by the tender hands of Jesus was made necessary by the act of a bungling disciple. Jesus healed the servant, restoring his ear.

Still filled with bravado, Peter must have been shaken when Jesus said, “Before the rooster crows’ tomorrow morning, you will have denied me three times.” As Jesus was being led away to his appointed cross, Peter warmed himself at a strange fire. Three times when challenged Peter denied he knew Jesus and in the final denial, sealed it with a curse. Just then, the roosted crowed and Peter ran for cover.

The risen Christ gave special instructions to summon Peter. He would restore him in a most remarkable way. Peter the denier became Peter the proclaimer. On the day of Pentecost he was the spokesman for the new believers now filled with the Holy Spirit. As he preached, giving the first altar call of the New Testament church, 3,000 were converted.

Believe me, Peter would never have returned if the resurrection was but a fabrication. Nothing but the reality of this miracle would have turned him around. It is absurd to think anything would have turned him around other than Jesus resurrection from the dead. It had to be proof positive for the apostles and others to risk their lives. Men will die for convictions. They will not die for a concoction! They will die for a faith. They will not die for a fable. They will die for a mission. They will not die for a myth!

Look at this clearly. If the resurrection of Christ was a hoax, never happening, where would we stand today? The Apostle Paul clearly tells us in the text.

  1. Our preaching would be empty, in vain, just worthless speech.

  2. Your faith would be empty, in vain. It would have no substance, no fact.

  3. We would be false witnesses, promulgating a lie.

  4. We would still be in our sins. What a deplorable state!

  5. Our faith would be futile.

  6. All who fallen before us will have perished. They would have believed a fairy tale!

  7. We would have no hope of resurrection ourselves.

  8. We would of all men be most pitiable, most miserable. Such would be the case if Jesus did not rise from the dead!

  9. Adam got us into the grave; Jesus got us out of the grave.

  10. In Adam came our ruin. In Jesus came our redemption.

  11. Adam put us in a hole in the ground. Jesus lifts us though a hole in the sky.

  12. Adam’s sin took men to Hell. Jesus love takes us to Heaven.

I refuse to accept a perversion of gospel truth. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. I have no doubt of it! I close by repeating a previously stated position.

Men will die for a conviction. They will not die for a concoction. They will die for a faith. They will not die for a fable. They will die for a mission. They will not die for a myth.”

This is not fake news. Jesus resurrection from the dead is the real deal.

This message delivered by

The Reverend Almon Bartholomew

Retired pastor Almon Bartholomew, with wife Joyce.

My Friend


On These



My Friend

Philippians 4:8

The First Time

O, many times I’ve tried to pray

With just a fleeting thought.

My heart was never in it and

My words just came to naught.

And then one day, when sore oppressed,

I sank down on my knees.

I talked to God straight from my heart,

Without a thought to please.

Twas then He heard for the first time.

God placed His hand on mine.

He lifted me above my woe

And made the sun to shine.

From that day forth I knew the Lord

Would make His presence felt,

If faith and love and earnestness

Were with me when I knelt.

Remember now! Do not despair

If life has gone awry,

For through your faith and honest prayer

God lifts you to the Sky.

Come, Listen

Come, listen, all my friends, to me,

A tale I have to tell,

Of worldly woe and human strife

And how God makes all well.

The plot may hold most any one.

He may be rich or poor,

A merchant or a miser or

A humble laborer.

Into each life a time does come.

When things do not go well:

When men and kingdoms, great and small

Deeds evil can’t expel.

When all is lost and hope’s on wane

And life seems not worthwhile,

Then turn to God, O petty man,

And see His holy smile.

For only when we ask His aid

Can God become our guide.

Our faith and trust in Him, alone,

Can bridge the gap so wide.

My Friend

I have a new found friend today;

A loyal one I’m sure.

We’ve met. Oh many times before,

But never did concur.

The fault that we have joined but now

Is mine alone I know,

For He has tried so many times

His Spirit to bestow.

I’ve met Him in the shining sun

That follows wondrous rain.

I’ve come upon Him bending low

O’er buds burst forth again.

I’ve seen Him on a winter night

When stars their lights did show.

He walked with me for many hours

Across the silv’ry snow.

I always knew that He was there,

But never looked to see

That every time our paths did cross

His arms stretched out to me.

I waited long to pay Him heed –

Until I met with woe.

And then I sought Him out myself.

I’d nowhere else to go.

I have a new-found friend today.

His name is God, you know.

He taught me hope and charity

As He dispelled my woe.

The Lord and I shall always walk

Together, through my days.

I have a friend – the greatest friend –

A friend I love and praise.

(AWS – March 1954)

“He sought me and He bought me

with His redeeming love.”


Presented by Bro. Al Salay, Blessed Man Ministries Inc. [email protected]


“We Have No King But Me” (Matthew 21:1-11)

Delivered Palm Sunday March 25, 2018
By Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: “A Palm Funny”

It was Palm Sunday but because of a sore throat, 5-year-old Johnny stayed home from church with a sitter.
When the family returned home, they were carrying several palm leaves. Johnny asked them what they were for.
“People held them over Jesus’ head as he walked by,” his father told him.
“Wouldn’t you know it,” Johnny fumed, “the one Sunday I don’t go and Jesus shows up.”


I am so glad that, as a minister of the Word of God, I have God’s full assurance that every time I open up this book before you, He shows up! And I know that He has promised, in Isaiah 55, that when His Word is read or heard, it will accomplish some profound eternal purpose – both in the one proclaiming His Word, and in the ones reading or hearing His Word. Wow! So as we meet together, I have the full assurance from God that He is meeting with us – and He wants to do a work in each of our hearts. What work? Well, perhaps you in your journey of faith have never trusted the Lord Jesus as Savior. You’ve trusted the Church, the pastor, the nice people in the church – but have you ever trusted the Savior as your Savior? That’s a good purpose. And as we look at our text today, I’m trusting God to encourage all of us to see Palm Sunday in a fresh light – and when we do, we will have our hunger met in a hurry – that He be the King of all of our lives! There – now that you know what is coming, you can go back to sleep!


A. Promotes instant obedience (and, no doubt, marvel) (vs. 1ff)
Isn’t it an amazing thing that there are several moments of instant obedience in this passage? First of all, the ones who were asked to go get the donkey and colt. They could have said, “WHAT? Who are You kidding? Nobody in their right mind gives up personal property like that!” But they had unquestioned obedience. Then how about the owner of that donkey and colt? He willingly gave them to the one who said, “the Lord has need of them”. Oh that we were so quick to obey the promptings of the Lord in our lives!

B. “Your King comes to you, Zion” (v. 5)
Jesus is offered as King to Israel – but just days later, they reject His Kingship, His Lordship. Ephesians & Romans say that then Israel is set aside so that His Kingship can be offered to the Gentles in the church age. Those Jews who trust Him as Savior are now Christians and part of the church!
Rev. 19:11-16 records He will one day rule as King of kings!
But until then, the last words spoken about the Messiah’s relationship with Israel is found in John 1:11, “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.” He offered Himself to them as their King, and they rejected His offer.


A. Matt. 2:1-3 the occasion of Jesus’ birth
Herod: there is no king but ME
Magi: there is no King but Jesus, and we worship Him!
B. Matt. 5:35 Jerusalem is the city of the Great King (Jesus)
C. Matt. 18:23ff The rejected King is a king of mercy
D. John 18:33,37,39 The rejected King is the King of Truth
E. John 19:3,12,14,15,19,21
The rejected King is in charge (19:11)
The accepted king of the day nurtures faith in oneself with no need of the true King (19:15)
The rejected King’s title is settled, as is His Word (19:21-22)


The cry of Palm Sunday is two-fold. Can you hear both cries? The first cry is: “Your King comes for you.” While that kingship was offered to Israel, it is also offered to us.But that kingship can be rejected – just as the crowd yelled “we have no king but Caesar”, so we yell, “we have no king but ME – what do we need a King for? We do just fine without Him.”
So in your journey of faith, where are you? Are you with the crowd at Calvary yelling, “we have no king but ME”?
OR are you with the group on Palm Sunday, and listening, hearkening to the cry, “your King comes for you.”?
It is written of the Lord Jesus, following the declaration of His being rejected by His people Israel, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12)

Which group are you in today?

Close in prayer

Cleaning Out

By Senator John Grant, FL (Retired)

Week Thirteen, 2018


I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:1-2).

Our refrigerator has hung around our kitchen and has served us well, but when it was time recently for her to depart to the great scrap yard in the sky, we shopped for and purchased a new one.

When it was time for the new one to be delivered, my bride and I cleaned out the about to be departing one. My, what surprises we found tucked on the corners and hidden by other items. We began examining each item and I soon discovered that when the discard date ends in BC (Do I get a rebuttal in this assessment? – Beverley), that is not a good sign. Some of what we had been cooling was just plain expired junk and needed to be thrown away.

Our lives are much like that. We harbor junk, some of which we don’t even realize, yet it is deeply imbedded in our subconscious and affects our daily behavior. The prophet Isaiah (1:16) said “Go home and wash up. Clean up your act. Sweep your lives clean of your evildoings, so I don’t have to look at them any longer.”

Sometimes our morning room table gets cluttered. For one, it’s a big table. It actually takes up so much space in our morning room that It’s become the easiest place to set stuff. Toys. Mail (JG’s mail). Homework (BG’s Bible Study). Cups. More cups. The generous tabletop makes it simpler to just move things around rather than move them away, and after a while, it accumulates a swath of unrelated, inordinate objects into one centralized location, which is called clutter, which can be a lot like life. (So we took out the leaf. Now there is less table top!!)

We are constantly piling on one thing after another onto the tabletop of our lives. There are always more things we should be concerned about, and give attention to, and make room for — somehow. Before long, it’s a life full of clutter. It’s a whirlwind of good intentions, but bad directions — maybe a load of participation, but a litter of purpose. And it stays this way until God’s arm intervenes, mighty to sweep, and clears the table.

Paul told the Romans to not be conformed to the world, yet in this digitalized, technology driven world it is so easy to get conformed to this world and not even realize it. Yet, we are called to present ourselves holy and acceptable to God.

How about you? Have you cleaned out the outdated, immoral and other junk out of your life? If not, do so today and begin living a renewed life.




“To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.” – Jude 1:24-25 NIV

Reminders are all round us…

We have Calendar Pop-up Reminders on our phones and computers. We have alarms that serve as reminders. We have Post-It Notes and pocket notecards that can serve as reminders. We can even get phone calls from friends or a service to remind us of a special day or appointment. Facebook, Instagram and others can remind us of special dates, days, anniversaries and birthdays. Some of us have Spouses and Office Assistants who remind us all the time of places we need to be, people we need to see and when.

Sometimes… we need a reminder of who He is, what He has done (and continues to do), and the glory, majesty, power and authority that He has and deserves.



While we are in awe of famous people, it is easy to forget the unique and wonderful ideas that the very people that surround us possess. Dwight Short


Selected portions of Thoughts on Life can also be read at and You can subscribe directly to those on their respective websites.

Your feedback is welcome and if you want to be taken off the mailing list a simple e-mail will do it. Feel free to pass this along to others and to contribute your ideas and thoughts. Address all items and comments to [email protected]. © Thoughts on Life Copyright 2018

©2018 John Grant | Florida State Senator (Ret.) | 10025 Orange Grove Drive | Tampa, FL 33618

Keep the “My” After the “Thy”

Matthew 6:11-15

Teach Me to Pray” Series – Part 3, March 18, 2018

Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: “Dad’s Car”

A young man comes home and says, “Dad, just got my driver’s license and would like to use the family car.”

Father replies, “OK, son. But FIRST, you have to get good grades in school, keep your room clean, make sure the yard is neat, and cut your hair. Come back in a few months and then we’ll see.”

Well, several months pass and the young man comes into the house with his report card in his hands. “DAD, I got great marks on my report card. I’ve been keeping my room as neat as a pin, and the yard is always ship-shape. How about letting me use the car?”

Father replies, “That’s all true, but son you didn’t cut your hair.”

Son says, “But dad, JESUS had long hair.”

Father replies, “Yes, son, you’re perfectly right. And He walked everywhere He went.”


Palm Sunday next Sunday, and Easter is April 1st. To prepare our hearts for these special days, I have initiated a season of prayer every Thursday at 7 pm throughout this month.

I really hope you can come – or take an evening a week to pray at home.

But how do I pray? Today is the last Sunday we are looking at a most familiar piece of Scripture where the Lord Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. LAST WEEK: “Keep the THY before the MY”. TODAY, a follow-up:: “Keep the MY after the THY”. (I worked really hard on those titles!) PRAYER


A. A fresh relationship – “our Father in Heaven” Jesus is opening a new avenue of prayer, not only for His immediate disciples, but for all future ones as well (including us!). This is an expression which is tender – “OUR” Father. Jesus is including His children under the umbrella of sharing His tender relationship with His Father, with those who love Him as well!

B. A tender reminder – “hallowed be Thy name” Jesus is reminding His disciples that the characteristic of His Father which governs all others is His holiness. We are invited to come to Jesus as we are – and when we do, we are reminded that the One to Whom we are coming is in Himself holy.

C. A fixed resolve – “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done”. There is no “Jeremy’s kingdom” or “FBC kingdom.” All is focused on “THY” kingdom. Doesn’t that relieve a lot of stress is trying to build up YOUR kingdom? AND it relieves the stress on the church, for Jesus said “I will build MY church”. FBC is not OUR church, it is JESUS’ church – and He will build it up as we do those things and be those people that He so enjoys! And the Father’s will? It is found both by prayer AND in agreement with His written Word. He does NOTHING apart from His Word. Should that not encourage us to be children of the Book? I hope you are! NOTE: the “THY” before the “MY”


Jesus introduces the second section of this prayer by a change in personal pronouns. In the beloved KJV, “THY” is the word of choice of the first section. And the second section the word of choice is “MY” (or “OUR”). In order for the second part to be effective, it must come AFTER the first part. PLEASE KEEP THE “MY” AFTER THE “THY”!

A. Our daily bread (v. 11)

Two emphases here:

First, DAILY – unlike a budget, God wants our focus to be on TODAY!

ILLUSTRATION: A prayer we learned through Word of Life: “Good morning Lord, I love you Lord, what do you have for TODAY – let me be a part I pray.”

CF. Matt. 8:20 (and surrounding verses) – provision produces discipleship!

Second, BREAD – the center is on our need, not on our wants. What does it produce? Contentment!

B. Our debts forgiven (v. 12, 14-15)

Note 5:23ff The Lord Jesus considered relationships the heart of forgiveness!

C. Our temptation (v. 13)

I like the NIV – it is more than just evil that one is seeking deliverance from – it is the evil one, even Satan himself. Let’s keep 1 Cor. 10:13 as a base; and let’s remember Matt. 4 (referred to in Heb. 4:14-16) – the Savior confronted allurements to evil, and He met them head on, not with His Deity (as He could have) but with…Scriptures. Just like we can!


1. Review the prayer!

2. Not intended to be rote, but lived!

3. Note NIV comment on “not in original”: the NIV is based on the “Westcott & Hort” text (considered an older text), whereas the KJV & the NKJV are based on the “Textus Receptus” (a newer and more pure text). Sometimes older is NOT better. The point is: get in the Word! And pray through the Word!

Obey what we have before us! Pray what we have before us!

Closing Prayer

Jeremy Stopford is pastor of the First Baptist Church, Earlville, New York

Friendly and Inviting

Spilled Milk

Week Twelve, 2018


By John Grant

Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But that is not what God desires; rather, he devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from him. – 2 Samuel 14:14

There are all kind of special holidays. Many of which you probably haven’t heard of. For example last month on the 11th, it was National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. When I saw that, it started my thinking. While I haven’t cried lately over spilled milk, I have fretted over a lot of other things I cannot change.

The spilled milk line is an old saying that reminds us that just like spilled milk cannot be put back in the glass, there are many events in life that are irreversible and cannot turned back, so why fret about that which you cannot change?

We cannot put the milk back in the bottle, but with expectation we can strive for and look forward to the next glass of milk.

2 Samuel 14:14 reminds us that some things we cannot control are in the future and we should not worry about them. For example, we are all going to die, so we should not worry about it. Rather prepare for it, be certain of your eternity and look forward to the greater life.

Jesus pointed out, we cannot change anything by fretting and worrying! (Matthew 6:27) No amount of worrying can add a single hour to your life. If we are willing to receive it, He will give us the grace to laugh instead of worry, to rejoice in all things, and to joyfully trust Him no matter what.

Paul opines to the Church at Philippi: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:16)

God encourages his followers to fear not 365 times in the Bible, one for each day of the year, emphasizing that He didn’t intend for Christians to spend their days preoccupied with anxiety and worry.

Learn from your past mistakes, but don’t dwell on them. Instead, set your mind on things above. Look forward and with God’s help, finish strong.

Start today and take small steps today toward living fully free from anxieties, don’t worry about the things you cannot change (like spilled milk) and don’t underestimate the power of God to make you whole again.




• Doesn’t go deep enough.

• Doesn’t go far enough.

• Doesn’t go high enough.


We love God …………………………… We love people

We worship God……….. OR ………. We worship people

We use things …………………………..We love things



Did you know that the Bible is not simply one book? It is 66 books in one, composed and compiled by more that 40 human authors over a period of more than 1,600 years. Its human writers included kings, fisherman, diplomats, prophets, shepherds, lawyers, doctors, soldiers, historians and many others.

Furthermore, the Bible addresses hundreds of subjects, including life, death, marriage, the family worship, truth, and eternity. Yet despite its many authors and countless topics, the Bible is in perfect harmony from cover to cover, is entirely consistent within itself and proves its supernatural origins through its supernatural unity.

No wonder it is the most widely published and the best selling book of all time.



God does not grade on the curve. He grades on the cross. —Ken Whitten

What distractions hinder you as a leader from recognizing opportunities? If you can minimize distractions and focus on mission accomplishment, you will soon move forward in obtaining the goals you set in strategic planning. —General Dick Abel.

Enjoy your day, no matter what it brings! —Kathy Merlino.

Christianity is a fact-based religion. —John 20:27.


Selected portions of Thoughts on Life can also be read at and You can subscribe directly to those on their respective websites.

Your feedback is welcome and if you want to be taken off the mailing list a simple e-mail will do it. Feel free to pass this along to others and to contribute your ideas and thoughts. Address all items and comments to [email protected]. © Thoughts on Life Copyright 2018.

©2018 John Grant | Florida State Senator (Ret.) | 10025 Orange Grove Drive | Tampa, FL 33618


First Baptist Church

Inviting and Accepting

9 West Main St. Earlville, NY 13332, Rev. Jeremy Stopford, Pastor

“KEEP THE THY BEFORE THE MY” (Matthew 6:9-10)

March 11, 2018

“Teach Me to Pray” Series – Part 2, March 11, 2018

By Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: “A Vote Funny”

The pastor of a church decides that God is calling the church to a new vision of what it is to be and do. So at the elders meeting, he presents the new vision with as much energy, conviction and passion as he can muster. When he had finished and sat down, the senior elder called for a vote. All 12 elders voted against the new vision, with only the clergyman voting for it.

“Well, pastor, it looks like you will have to think again,” says the senior elder. “Would you like to close the meeting in prayer?”

So the pastor stands up, raises his hand to heaven, and prays, “LOOOOOOORD!…will you not show these people that this is not MY vision but it is YOUR vision!”

At that moment, the clouds darken, the thunder rolls, and a streak of lightning bursts through the window and strikes in two the table at which they are sitting, throwing the pastor and all the elders to the floor.

After a moment’s silence, as they all get up and dust themselves off, the senior elder speaks again. “Well, that’s twelve votes to two then.”


Palm Sunday is the last Sunday of this month, and Easter is April 1st. To prepare our hearts for these special days, I have initiated a season of prayer every Thursday at 7 pm throughout this month. I really hope you can come – or take an evening a week to pray at home. But how do I pray? Is that foreign to you? For the several weeks, we are looking at a most familiar piece of Scripture where the Lord Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. It’s in there! TODAY: “Keep the Thy before the my”. PRAYER

#1—A FRESH RELATIONSHIP “Our Father in Heaven”

This is a most unusual expression that our Savior is sharing with his first disciples, children of the new kingdom. Why is it most unusual?

In the Bible, the word “father” appears 1103 times, 753 of which are in the OT. And only once in the OT, and quoted in the new, is God referred to as a “Father”. Illustration: David wanted to build a temple for the Lord’s ark, but Nathan the prophet said that David’s son – who wasn’t yet born nor thought of – would build it. And God through Nathan assured David that God would be a Father to his son. (2 Sam. 7:14). Paul quotes that expression in 2 Cor. 6:18 to show that because God is our Father, we are to live lives separate from the world’s ways and values.

Turn to John 20:17 – In Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance to Mary Magdalene, He reports that “I have not yet returned to the Father”, and for her to tell the disciples, “I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” Why is this unusual? Because He is now giving voice to a fresh relationship that is available for children of the kingdom – because of the resurrected Savior, His Father can now be their Father (and ours as well!). Wow.

And note that Jesus said to pray “OUR Father”. This is completely unheard of in OT Theology. In kingdom living, Jesus’ Father is ours as well. Double Wow.

We are reminded of the Father’s Home: “in Heaven”:

2 Cor. 5:1-4 our new dwelling as a result of a fresh relationship. “For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, 3 if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. 4 For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life.”

Phil. 3:20 our citizenship in heaven. “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ…”

Heb. 11:16 our longing for an heavenly kingdom. “But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them”

Turn to: Rev. 5:6-14 The heavenly worship is the fruit of a fresh relationship.

#2—A FAMILIAR REMINDER “Hallowed be Thy Name”

You may remember these most familiar words which we found in 1 Peter 1:14-16 describing the relationship which a child of God has with his heavenly Father. Applying the words of Leviticus 11, Peter wrote, “As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

God’s name is holy. His character is holy. He is altogether holy. There is no sin, no shortcoming, no imperfection in Him. And when we approach Him in prayer, we are approaching more than just another Facebook friend that you can follow or unfollow with the flick of your finger.

Because He is holy, we have a unique assurance that He will respond to our prayer in a way no person will – with an answer which is absolutely perfect to the need you petition.

There is a holy approach, and there is an unholy approach to God. But remember that it is not we who are innately holy – it is God Himself. He invites us to come as we are: “come unto Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest, “Jesus wrote. The invitation is there, the Lord Who is in Heaven is holy, and He wants us to come to Him.

#3—A FIXED RESOLVE “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done”

This is a most unusual way to finish this part of Jesus’ model prayer for His disciples. The first resolve is one of focus: “Thy kingdom come”. I read the other day that the richest woman in the US is the owner of Walmart. I don’t know her, never met her. I’m sure she worked hard. Perhaps she is related to Walmart’s founder, Sam Walton, who was a most honest Christian man. Yet her kingdom, for all intents and purposes, is Walmart. As Walmart succeeds, so does she. Her focus is the advancement of Walmart.

Jesus is encouraging His praying disciples that the focus of all believers should not be THEIR kingdom, but His kingdom. Think this through – what a newfound freedom that gives the disciple who is no longer concerned with his advancement, but with the advancement of the Lord Jesus and His kingdom. Freedom. No pressure to be an earthly success. Simply a desire to be a pleasure to the King of kings.

But Jesus also reminds His disciples that a kingdom follower will be one who seeks the Father’s will in all things. How can we do this? There are at least two ways: first, by prayer, submitting all our goals and purposes before our wise heavenly Father. Paul wrote in Romans 12:1-2, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

But the second is perhaps a bit harder: by being sure that the direction we are heading is not in disagreement with the written Word of God. In 1 John 2:15-17, the apostle John wrote: “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”

Such a disciple is living according to the revealed will of God as well as according to the operation of the internal Spirit of God Who never does anything contrary to the Word of God. What a privilege to pray according to God’s resolve!


Let’s review! In His model prayer for His disciples, Jesus gave a fresh relationship: the eternal relationship which He had been enjoying with His Father was now theirs by virtue of their relationship by faith in Jesus. And if that wasn’t enough, Jesus reminds them that His Father’s name is holy – that’s a good thing in light of all that is in this world which isn’t holy. And if THAT wasn’t enough, He then puts purpose to their prayer: the furthering of God’s kingdom, and the fulfillment of His will.

And that’s where the sermon title comes in. Note the placement that our Savior put with this. Each of these introductory words of prayer are Theo-centric! GOD-centered! Before Jesus continues with the personal requests which are introduced with the personal pronoun “my”, He makes sure that His disciples enjoy prayer because it is first of all “Thy” centered – fixed upon the Father Himself.

We need to keep the “Thy” before the “my”.

One last thought. Our Savior’s model prayer – given as an answer to the disciples’ request to teach them how to pray – is written NOT for all people. It can only be prayed by faith by one group of people in this world. You know that MANY religions and denominations have this prayer as part of their worship. We do here, too. BUT it can only be given in faith by those who love Jesus as Savior. No one else. It is exclusive for those who are children of God by faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Savior for my sins. Have you prayed this prayer? Did you pray it from a platform of faith or from a platform of empty religion? Big difference. The answer is the answer of your eternity. Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior? Then enjoy the sweet intimacy that He invites us to have with Him in prayer!

close in prayer

The View Within

Week Eleven, 2018


By John Grant

That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith. – Ephesians 3:17

Our refrigerator has been in our kitchen for almost twenty years. She has served us well, but with age, she is in failing health. Our eggs are freezing and the compressor grunts and growls. So, in order to avoid a total shutdown, off to the appliance store we went.

As I walked around the showroom, I saw features I would never have imagined. One refrigerator in particular caught my attention. It had a giant tablet built into the door. From it you could play music, order groceries or do anything you wanted to do on the Internet. I played a demo and it showed a camera inside that allow you to view the inside without opening the door. Not only that, but there is a phone app that allows you look see the inside of the refrigerator on your phone anywhere in the world. My, isn’t that amazing?

Then I thought of another see through application and that is Jesus. He can see into our hearts anywhere we are in the world. Nothing escapes His knowledge or attention. He knows our every move.

I the Lord

I, the Lord, search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve. (Jeremiah 17:10).

He sees right through us. The inward parts of us, every room and corner in us; and know the thoughts of us; all our intents, purposes, designs, contrivances, and imaginations; all the secret motions of us, and the wickedness that is in us.

The heart is deceitful, but (we) cannot deceive Jesus, because He judges not according to outward appearance. He sees and knows our hearts far better than we ourselves. Only He can see right through us.



1. He Came to Bring Identity to Your Struggles • Jesus Understands More than You Think.

2. He Came to Bring Sympathy to Your Pain • Jesus Cares More than You Know.

3. He Came to Bring Glory to Your Weakness • Jesus Can Do More than You Realize.

—Ken Whitten



The story is told of the great British explorer, William Edward Perry, who led an expedition to the Arctic Ocean in the early 1800’s.

They wanted to go farther north to continue their charting. So they calculated their location by the stars and then started a very difficult and treacherous march north.

They walked the whole day. And then totally exhausted, they finally stopped for the night. They took their bearings again from the stars. And they were shocked to discover that they were farther south than when they had started. They then discovered that they had been walking on an ice flow that was moving south faster than they were moving north! They were drifting in the opposite direction.

If we’re not careful we can find ourselves drifting spiritually. Walking, we think in the right direction, but actually failing to move in the direction commanded by the Lord.




Being close to Jesus makes you want to be close to someone far away from Jesus. Ken Whitten

Before we can be old and wise, we have to first be young and stupid.

The past is in the past. The future has yet to unfold itself. Enjoy today. Kathy Merlino


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©2018 John Grant | Florida State Senator (Ret.) | 10025 Orange Grove Drive | Tampa, FL 33618 

48th Annual Leadership Prayer Breakfast

Marketplace Ambassador – “Living as Christ’s Ambassadors”

Recently we witnessed Christian Evangelist Billy Graham pass from this world to eternity. Many have reflected on the welcome he received to his heavenly home. Each Christian believer should, at the end of their days, desire above all else to hear the Lord Jesus Christ say, “Well done good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come share your master’s happiness!”

This should cause one to ask oneself the question, faithful to what? Faithful to that which you’ve been commanded or “called” to accomplish. One of the very simple commands in Scripture (Matthew 28:19-20) tells those who call themselves “Christian” to share their faith and help others grow in faith.

The 48th Annual Leadership Prayer Breakfast is just such an opportunity. Prayerfully consider sponsoring a table and inviting those in your sphere of influence who are unconvinced about Christ to come and hear Danny Wuerffel share his powerful testimony. Those who attend will be challenged to make a decision for Jesus Christ. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest eternally in those God has placed in your life.

  • Date: Friday, April 13, 2018
  • Time: 6:30 am – 8:30 am
  • Location: Florida State Fairgrounds, 4800 U.S. 301, Tampa, FL 33610
  • Speaker: Danny Wuerffel
  • Signup: Visit for event info and to purchase a table of ten (we are not offering individual tickets at this time).


First Baptist Church

9 West Main St. Earlville, NY 13332

Inviting and Accepting

Rev. Jeremy Stopford, Pastor


By Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: “Johnny Didn’t Do It”

The visiting church school supervisor asks little Johnny during Bible class who broke down the walls of Jericho. Little Johnny replies that he does not know, but it definitely is not him.

The supervisor, taken aback by this lack of basic Bible knowledge, goes to the school principal and relates the whole incident.

The principal replies that he knows little Johnny as well as his whole family very well and can vouch for them. And if little Johnny said that he did not do it, he, as principal is satisfied that it is the truth.

Even more appalled, the inspector goes to the Regional Head of Education and relates the whole story.

After listening he replies: “I can’t see why you are making such a big issue out of this: just get three quotes and fix the wall!”


Palm Sunday is the last Sunday of this month, and Easter is April 1st. To prepare our hearts for these special days, I have initiated a season of prayer every Thursday at 7 pm throughout this month. I really hope you can come. But how do I pray, in public? Is that foreign to you? For the next several weeks, we are going to look at a most familiar piece of Scripture where the Lord Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. It’s in there! TODAY: 3 elements of Spirit-filled prayer. PRAYER

#1 FIND A MENTOR, BE A MENTOR (Luke 11:1ff)

In our text we are soon introduced to what has traditionally been called “The Lord’s Prayer”. But the context is prefaced by a request made by Jesus’ closest disciples. Luke 11 tells the rest of the story: the disciples had observed how John the Baptist taught his disciples how to pray. Now they wanted Jesus to do the same for them. We need to find a mentor to help us pray. And when we learn how to pray, we need to encourage others.

One of the greatest “old salt” writers on prayer was a fellow named E.M. Bounds. I encourage you to look up his books. There are about 8 in the series on prayer. And he wrote them at a time before TV, radio, phone – you know, those times when all one had to do was learn of Jesus! And Pastor Bounds did!

Not in our hymnbook is an old hymn, “Teach Me to Pray”. The song, copyrighted in 1925 was written by Albert Simpson Reitz who lived from 1879-1966. Listen to the heart cry. This is what Jesus is talking about here:

Teach me to pray, Lord, teach me to pray;

This is my heart-cry day unto day;

I long to know Thy will and Thy way;

Teach me to pray, Lord, teach me to pray.


Living in Thee, Lord, and Thou in me.

Constant abiding, this is my plea.

Grant me Thy power, boundless and free.

Power with men and power with Thee.



They know not – or might not know – Jesus!

Illus.: I distinctly remember a prayer a local “pastor” prayed at my brother-in-law’s graduation. It was an exceptionally hot Sunday afternoon when the “pastor”, honored to be asked to give the invocation, prayed “and Lord, please keep the ladies’ mascara from running.” His platform to influence the students for eternity had been wasted.

Written prayers are nice – and many old saints used to write their prayers (and we still have them). But this is an intimacy between you and God alone.

Key phrase here describing them is: “love to be seen” as professionals, not as servants of the King of Kings.

Are their “giants of prayer” that have influenced you? For me, Stewart D. from nearby West Eaton. Nearing 100, when he prays publicly, his prayers are full of Scripture as to Who he is approaching. “all mighty, all wonderful, most high God; all righteous, all powerful.” – all from the scriptures. He knows to Whom he is praying. Imitate heart-felt prayers.


Illus.: The KJV says we are to pray in our “closets.” Let me tell you about the “Tom P. Syndrome”. Tom was a straight A student. Eagle Scout. Ultimate Doctoral Candidate. Yet when he was first saved, taking the Bible literally, he would pray in his closet. His mom could never find him when he was praying! Is that what is meant here?

You are not praying before the ones you are with. You are praying to the Lord. Alone. In fact, that is a good motto for one’s Christian walk & life. Perhaps Tom had it right – he was praying before an audience of One. As are we!



Illus.: When my dad was alive, I tried to call down to Florida at least once a …. Month! I thought that was quite the work on my life. After all, Dad was 47 years older than I. He was going to be around forever. But then one day I learned that his health wasn’t what it should be, and that his days were numbered. Guess how often I called then? And I made sure that at the end of every call he and I would exchange the words, “I love you.” In fact, those 3 words are the last ones I ever heard him speak this side of eternity.

Our Heavenly Father already knows your needs, your wants. Those may be important to you. Your needs may be overwhelming. But in the most intimate moment possible in eternity, the Father wants to hear you.

Will you talk with Him today?

Will our church talk with Him today? This week?

Or is it possible for a church to exist without ever talking with the Father?

Close in prayer