“We Have No King But Me” (Matthew 21:1-11)

Delivered Palm Sunday March 25, 2018
By Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: “A Palm Funny”

It was Palm Sunday but because of a sore throat, 5-year-old Johnny stayed home from church with a sitter.
When the family returned home, they were carrying several palm leaves. Johnny asked them what they were for.
“People held them over Jesus’ head as he walked by,” his father told him.
“Wouldn’t you know it,” Johnny fumed, “the one Sunday I don’t go and Jesus shows up.”


I am so glad that, as a minister of the Word of God, I have God’s full assurance that every time I open up this book before you, He shows up! And I know that He has promised, in Isaiah 55, that when His Word is read or heard, it will accomplish some profound eternal purpose – both in the one proclaiming His Word, and in the ones reading or hearing His Word. Wow! So as we meet together, I have the full assurance from God that He is meeting with us – and He wants to do a work in each of our hearts. What work? Well, perhaps you in your journey of faith have never trusted the Lord Jesus as Savior. You’ve trusted the Church, the pastor, the nice people in the church – but have you ever trusted the Savior as your Savior? That’s a good purpose. And as we look at our text today, I’m trusting God to encourage all of us to see Palm Sunday in a fresh light – and when we do, we will have our hunger met in a hurry – that He be the King of all of our lives! There – now that you know what is coming, you can go back to sleep!


A. Promotes instant obedience (and, no doubt, marvel) (vs. 1ff)
Isn’t it an amazing thing that there are several moments of instant obedience in this passage? First of all, the ones who were asked to go get the donkey and colt. They could have said, “WHAT? Who are You kidding? Nobody in their right mind gives up personal property like that!” But they had unquestioned obedience. Then how about the owner of that donkey and colt? He willingly gave them to the one who said, “the Lord has need of them”. Oh that we were so quick to obey the promptings of the Lord in our lives!

B. “Your King comes to you, Zion” (v. 5)
Jesus is offered as King to Israel – but just days later, they reject His Kingship, His Lordship. Ephesians & Romans say that then Israel is set aside so that His Kingship can be offered to the Gentles in the church age. Those Jews who trust Him as Savior are now Christians and part of the church!
Rev. 19:11-16 records He will one day rule as King of kings!
But until then, the last words spoken about the Messiah’s relationship with Israel is found in John 1:11, “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.” He offered Himself to them as their King, and they rejected His offer.


A. Matt. 2:1-3 the occasion of Jesus’ birth
Herod: there is no king but ME
Magi: there is no King but Jesus, and we worship Him!
B. Matt. 5:35 Jerusalem is the city of the Great King (Jesus)
C. Matt. 18:23ff The rejected King is a king of mercy
D. John 18:33,37,39 The rejected King is the King of Truth
E. John 19:3,12,14,15,19,21
The rejected King is in charge (19:11)
The accepted king of the day nurtures faith in oneself with no need of the true King (19:15)
The rejected King’s title is settled, as is His Word (19:21-22)


The cry of Palm Sunday is two-fold. Can you hear both cries? The first cry is: “Your King comes for you.” While that kingship was offered to Israel, it is also offered to us.But that kingship can be rejected – just as the crowd yelled “we have no king but Caesar”, so we yell, “we have no king but ME – what do we need a King for? We do just fine without Him.”
So in your journey of faith, where are you? Are you with the crowd at Calvary yelling, “we have no king but ME”?
OR are you with the group on Palm Sunday, and listening, hearkening to the cry, “your King comes for you.”?
It is written of the Lord Jesus, following the declaration of His being rejected by His people Israel, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12)

Which group are you in today?

Close in prayer