“Seek Ye First….”

In the midst of a passage where Jesus is telling us not to worry about our life, what we will eat or drink, our body or what we will wear,,,,

Do you know what he said?


What’s in a Name?

Do you know the name Jonathan Edwards? I remember first hearing about him during history class in high school while studying the First Great Awakening, a time of spiritual revival in eighteenth-century America. You may also recognize the name of his famous 1741 sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” He’s been described by historians as a hard-working, intelligent, godly man.

Are you familiar with any of his descendants?


Taste and See!”

Frank ‘s message at Calvary Chapel of Brazos County, June 2, 2024.

Jesus commanded, “Take, eat … Do this in remembrance of me.”

Most of us have participated in the Lord’s Supper so often that we’re in danger of forgetting its significance, of simply going through the motions, and behaving like the Corinthians whom the Apostle Paul rebuked. Paul’s warning in I Corinthians 11 is very sobering.

A thousand years earlier, King David uttered a similar invitation, but filled with precious promises.

OH, TASTE and see that the LORD is good;

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