Week Three, 2024

First and foremost, don’t let disappointment shake your belief in the goodness of God. Do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. When disappointment strikes, hold tightly to your faith. Say, I am still confident (Hebrews 10:35).

It was an interesting and historical journey recently as we followed the trails of Lewis and Clark from Idaho to the Pacific. What a magnificent depiction of American history. The trials and difficulties were almost impossible to overcome for the team in search of a water route across America to the Pacific Ocean.

Many explorers were looking for the mouth of the Columbia from the Pacific and thought they had it, but it was not to be. Hence, it was a disappointment and named Cape Disappointment marking the disappointment of their expeditions.

I hiked through the woods to a beach on the Pacific and looking up, I saw the lighthouse that marks the cape. I stopped to snap a photo as I thought about the disappointments of life.

No matter our faith, God scatters disappointments through our life. But, for Christians, disappointments are God’s appointments, often to lead us to change our direction. I have had many and thank God for them.

I remember one in particular. As I was about to graduate from college, I received a full scholarship to receive a PhD. All I had to do was to take and pass a simple one hour test. It was given at another university. As I drove there, a few blocks away, a train was stalled blocking traffic. I was trapped. Finally, after running I arrived in the exam room thirty minutes late for the one-hour exam. My request to the proctor for extra time was summarily denied. I did not finish the exam and in the end, failed by one point. The scholarship was gone and I was disappointed.

I thank God to this day for that disappointment. It caused me to change directions and pursue other and better goals.

What does the Bible say about disappointments? “Be content with what you have; for he has said, ‘I will never fail you nor forsake you’” (Hebrews 13:5). When you have faith in God, your mind will “hold together” so efficiently that you can recover from any disappointment and with Him in your life, you always will.


A recent study concluded that the number, intensity, and length of conflicts worldwide is at its highest level since before the end of the Cold War. Remembering Jesus’ reference to “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6), it’s not hard to wonder how much longer the world can continue like this. Is this the beginning of the “end times.”

Medical debt has become a leading cause of personal bankruptcy, with an estimated $88 billion of that debt in collections nationwide, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Roughly 530,000 people reported falling into bankruptcy annually due partly to medical bills and time away from work, according to a 2019 study from the American Journal of Public Health.

▪ How does Moses make his coffee? Hebrews it.

▪ At what time of day did God create Adam? Just before Eve.

▪ How do we know whether Peter was a rich fisherman? By his net income.

▪ Why did God create man before woman? Because He didn’t want any advice on how to do it!

A living wage in Florida has been estimated to be $57,064 to cover all of your expenses if you are a single person. The average salary in Florida, at least according to ZipRecruiter, is $48,620, suggesting that the average salary is below the living wage to cover all of the expenses if you live in Florida.

In a Wall Street Journal article, Aaron Zitner reports that the values which helped define America’s national character for generations are receding in importance to Americans. A new survey reveals the following astonishing facts regarding the percentage of Americans who say these values are “very important” to them, comparing answers in 1998 to today:

▪ Religion: down from 62 percent to 39 percent

▪ Patriotism: down from 70 percent to 38 percent

▪ Having children: down from 59 percent to 30 percent

▪ Community involvement: down from a high of 62 percent to 27 percent

By contrast, the percentage who said money was “very important” to them rose from 31 percent to 43 percent. According to a pollster who worked on a previous survey measuring these attitudes, “These differences are so dramatic, it paints a new and surprising portrait of a changing America.”

May I ask you a question – when there is nothing you have to do, what do you think about? Maybe you think about owning your dream home, getting married, getting a new car, falling in love, your business success, your professional career, your reputation, hobbies, or achievements. Maybe you spend time thinking about what others are thinking? What do you think about when you don’t have to think about anything else? In your secret time? What do you do with your secret time?

Jesus says that whatever that is what you adore the most, that is what you hallow. The word hallow means “to treat it as sacred and as the ultimate.” It’s the ultimate thing in your life. Here’s the principle of ‘hallow’ from the Lord’s prayer – if the thing you adore is not God, then you’ll only pray when that thing is in jeopardy. The consistency of your prayer life will tell you who your god is.


Have you ever looked back and realized that God was preparing you for something that you had no idea was coming your way?

Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it. Mike Tyson

A man who lacks purpose distracts himself with pleasure. Stay focused.

There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit. Ronald Reagan

Just having a desire to live a godly life is not enough. Dan Shock

Jesus was selective in picking His disciples, knowing the personality and ability of each. He did that because He knew how they would uniquely be able to produce fruit, i.e., make disciples. God does the same thing with you. Just think, the Sovereign Creator God of the universe chose you! He knew what unique abilities you could produce for Him. You’re the best possible agent for the best possible outcome of winning people to Christ. He thinks that much of you. So, if you don’t think you’re the best fruit for the intended outcome, remember Who chose you. Rich Jensen

Wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective and to then act accordingly. Danny Akin

One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interests. John Stuart Mill

The highest of distinctions is service to others. King George VI

We all have those moments when we feel less. Right? Moments where we lack joy. Uncertain about what’s next. Always feeling like we’re looking in from the outside. We all do at times. And we try to move to a place of more, seeking a sense of renewed joy, with a clarity about tomorrow, and acceptance in the world around us. Or we don’t, and instead we continue to live a life marked by never having reached our full God-ordained potential. Scott Whitaker

One day we’ll pass through that veil called death and we will see the face of our Savior. Dan Shock

There is nothing like a dream to create the future. Victor Hugo

The Christian life calls for growth, change and spiritual development. The Preacher Man

You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. Ogden Nash.


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