Keep the “My” After the “Thy”

Matthew 6:11-15

Teach Me to Pray” Series – Part 3, March 18, 2018

Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: “Dad’s Car”

A young man comes home and says, “Dad, just got my driver’s license and would like to use the family car.”

Father replies, “OK, son. But FIRST, you have to get good grades in school, keep your room clean, make sure the yard is neat, and cut your hair. Come back in a few months and then we’ll see.”

Well, several months pass and the young man comes into the house with his report card in his hands. “DAD, I got great marks on my report card. I’ve been keeping my room as neat as a pin, and the yard is always ship-shape. How about letting me use the car?”

Father replies, “That’s all true, but son you didn’t cut your hair.”

Son says, “But dad, JESUS had long hair.”

Father replies, “Yes, son, you’re perfectly right. And He walked everywhere He went.”


Palm Sunday next Sunday, and Easter is April 1st. To prepare our hearts for these special days, I have initiated a season of prayer every Thursday at 7 pm throughout this month.

I really hope you can come – or take an evening a week to pray at home.

But how do I pray? Today is the last Sunday we are looking at a most familiar piece of Scripture where the Lord Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. LAST WEEK: “Keep the THY before the MY”. TODAY, a follow-up:: “Keep the MY after the THY”. (I worked really hard on those titles!) PRAYER


A. A fresh relationship – “our Father in Heaven” Jesus is opening a new avenue of prayer, not only for His immediate disciples, but for all future ones as well (including us!). This is an expression which is tender – “OUR” Father. Jesus is including His children under the umbrella of sharing His tender relationship with His Father, with those who love Him as well!

B. A tender reminder – “hallowed be Thy name” Jesus is reminding His disciples that the characteristic of His Father which governs all others is His holiness. We are invited to come to Jesus as we are – and when we do, we are reminded that the One to Whom we are coming is in Himself holy.

C. A fixed resolve – “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done”. There is no “Jeremy’s kingdom” or “FBC kingdom.” All is focused on “THY” kingdom. Doesn’t that relieve a lot of stress is trying to build up YOUR kingdom? AND it relieves the stress on the church, for Jesus said “I will build MY church”. FBC is not OUR church, it is JESUS’ church – and He will build it up as we do those things and be those people that He so enjoys! And the Father’s will? It is found both by prayer AND in agreement with His written Word. He does NOTHING apart from His Word. Should that not encourage us to be children of the Book? I hope you are! NOTE: the “THY” before the “MY”


Jesus introduces the second section of this prayer by a change in personal pronouns. In the beloved KJV, “THY” is the word of choice of the first section. And the second section the word of choice is “MY” (or “OUR”). In order for the second part to be effective, it must come AFTER the first part. PLEASE KEEP THE “MY” AFTER THE “THY”!

A. Our daily bread (v. 11)

Two emphases here:

First, DAILY – unlike a budget, God wants our focus to be on TODAY!

ILLUSTRATION: A prayer we learned through Word of Life: “Good morning Lord, I love you Lord, what do you have for TODAY – let me be a part I pray.”

CF. Matt. 8:20 (and surrounding verses) – provision produces discipleship!

Second, BREAD – the center is on our need, not on our wants. What does it produce? Contentment!

B. Our debts forgiven (v. 12, 14-15)

Note 5:23ff The Lord Jesus considered relationships the heart of forgiveness!

C. Our temptation (v. 13)

I like the NIV – it is more than just evil that one is seeking deliverance from – it is the evil one, even Satan himself. Let’s keep 1 Cor. 10:13 as a base; and let’s remember Matt. 4 (referred to in Heb. 4:14-16) – the Savior confronted allurements to evil, and He met them head on, not with His Deity (as He could have) but with…Scriptures. Just like we can!


1. Review the prayer!

2. Not intended to be rote, but lived!

3. Note NIV comment on “not in original”: the NIV is based on the “Westcott & Hort” text (considered an older text), whereas the KJV & the NKJV are based on the “Textus Receptus” (a newer and more pure text). Sometimes older is NOT better. The point is: get in the Word! And pray through the Word!

Obey what we have before us! Pray what we have before us!

Closing Prayer

Jeremy Stopford is pastor of the First Baptist Church, Earlville, New York

Friendly and Inviting