GOODBYE, FAREWELL & AMEN” (2 Cor. 13:11-14)


FBC Earlville, N.Y. December 30, 2018 10:30 AM

Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: “The Doctor Funny”

A patient went to the Doctor and asked him to check his leg.

 “Something’swrong. Just put your ear up to my thigh, you’ll hear it!”

The doctor cautiously places his ear to the man’s thigh only to hear, “Giveme $10! I’m desperate! I need $10!”

“I’ve never seen or heard anything like this before! How long has this been going on?”the doctor asked.

“That’s nothing, Doc. Put your ear to my knee.”

The doctor put his ear to the man’s knee and heard it say, “Please! I really need$5! Just $5! Please! I’m desperate!”

“Sir, I really don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never seen anything like this.”The doctor was truly dumbfounded.

“Wait, Doc, that’s not all of it. There’s more. Just put your ear down on my ankle,”the man urged him.

The doctor did as the man said and was amazed to hear his ankle plead, “Please, I just need $20! Please lend me $20, please! I am really desperate!”

“I have no idea what to tell you,” the doctor said. “There’s nothing about it in any of my books,” he said as he frantically searched all his medical reference books. “However… I can make a well-educated guess.

Based on life and all my previous experiences, I can tell you with some certainty, that your leg seems to be broke in three places.


Last Wednesday, quarterback Tom Brady of the (cough cough) New England Patriots was asked to comment on his 19 year career. His words were carefully chosen and interesting:

“I’ve been able to be in a career for 19 years that I love,” Brady said. “And I wake up every day excited to go to work. And I wake up every day fulfilled with what I’m doing. I don’t think there’s any greater gift in my life than to have that. Along with that has come a lot of other very cool opportunities, but in my heart and soul, I love playing the sport of football. And it’s brought me so much joy in my life.”

Then he went on to say, “It tests you in so many ways. I’ve been dealing with it fora long time. There’s anxiousness and nerves, and there’s joy and happiness, there’s disappointment and frustration. The emotions run the gamut. But if you can stay and build your mental toughness, it has just been incredibly rewarding. And I’m a very, very lucky man.”

This MOST LIKELY will be the last sermon that I ever preach as a pastor; it may be the last sermon that I EVER preach. And if it is, I hope I can apply what Mr. Brady did: I’ve been able to be in a career – a calling if you will – for 30 years that I love – and I wake up every day excited to go to work.

But if it really IS my last sermon, I couldn’t find a better text to preach from than the one before us – perhaps the last words given by the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth.

The church at Corinth had a good history. It had a great foundation, much like First Baptist Earlville. Its people loved the Lord Jesus as Savior and Lord. They were encouraged by many servants of the Lord over its history to stay true to the foundation they enjoyed in Christ. And through its many trials – both without and within – it was challenged to remember its roots, its firm foundation, and to build upon the foundation of the Rock – even the Lord.

With that background, let’s look at what Paul said to them – and in turn,what I am privileged to say to y’all this morning. PRAYER

Paul’s message revolves around 3 key themes:

1. BE GROWING: match on the outside God’s operation inside! (v. 11)

Paul begins his farewell to the people in Corinth by reminding them that their whole being is like a car. Huh? Well, let me illustrate: a friend shared with me the story of a phone call he received from his adult grand-daughter. It seems that her new car had blown its engine. My friend, who is a retired life-long mechanic, lovingly asked her, “how often did you check the oil?”. To which his grand-daughter replied,“check what?”. I hope that illustration makes sense to you. If we who own vehicles don’t regularly check the engine oil, or listen carefully to noises that just don’t sound right, it shouldn’t surprise us when one day we are besides the road, 20 degrees below zero, 40 feet of snow, and going nowhere. Oh, and the battery of our phone is dead, too. Hmm.

All that to say this: the church is like a well-cared for car engine. Paul says to“aim for perfection” – that means to be mature! Pay attention to the details. So let me ask you: do you love the Lord Jesus as your Savior and Lord? IF SO, how is your walk with the Lord? Are you taking care of your spiritual engine? Are you in prayer? Are you reading the Bible in a still moment of your day? Yes, it is possible to have still moments in your day, if you seek them FIRST.

Paul says “listen to my appeal – be of one mind, live in peace.” The Message says, “Think in harmony. Be agreeable.” This is under the umbrella of “be growing”. What does it mean? Well, think of two neighbors, both of whom went to the same church. One day, one of the neighbors stopped coming to church. In fact, she started attending a church on the other side of the valley. The wise young pastor went to her and said, “hey – you are missed at our church. How come you aren’t coming?” Do you know what she said? She said that her neighbor across the street thinks her kids are better than my kids. That is what she told me. So rather than bother her and confront her, I am going elsewhere.” The wise young pastor went to the first neighbor and said, “hey, isn’t it something that Mrs. Jones and her family no longer come to church – in fact, they’re going to the church on the other side of the valley.” And do you know what that first neighbor replied to him? She said, “I have NO IDEA why she stopped coming.”

Paul said, “think in harmony. Be agreeable.” That means that in order to be a growing church – unlike the situation with Mrs. Jones and her neighbor – differences should be current. They should be settled as soon as possible, in order for the Lord’s growing hand to be uponHis church.

And note that it is the God of love and peace that is overseeing His church. He just doesn’t leave His people alone to build His church. Jesus said, “I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH – and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”

But if the church presumes that it will always be a mature people, then, well, one day you’ll start hearing the noises, smell the smoke, and the engine will be dead. Oh, the church will still be open, it will be doing all the things it usually does, but it will not have any life. It will be going through the motions. The joy will be gone. It will be a dead church.

Be growing.

2. BE REMINDED: that saints are everywhere! (vs. 12-13)

Paul says, “greet one another with a holy kiss.” OK. Let’s go on to the next point. I can see it now. When I ever am invited back, Carl the organist, now age 75 or so, will tell me, “we listened to what you said in your closing message. Look and see!” And I’ll walk into the auditorium and see a wide Jumbotron screen over the pulpit. And sometime during the service the words “Kiss Cam” will appear, and the TV camera will zero in on couples – or even non-couples – to see if they will kiss. I can see it now.

It is interesting how other translations word this command of Paul. The New Living Translation says, “Greet each other with a sacred kiss.” But I think The Message gives Paul’s intent: “Greet one another with a holy embrace.” There are some that may forget the word “holy” and remember only the word “kiss”.

Perhaps I should leave that alone.

OR perhaps Paul intended that action to be closely connected with the next line: “all the saints send their greetings.” What does that mean?

ILLUSTRATION: Have you ever gone on vacation and visited another church in another state? What did you find? You tried to compare how they do things with how we do things. And then? You came to the overwhelming realization that the people there are just like us! In fact, they were quite interested to hear what church is like back home! Why? Because God has wisely planted churches and people just like us all over the world! Why? Because He wants us to see people as He sees them!

So – the “holy embrace” is to be first of all “holy”, and not necessarily a wet smooch. It may be even a handshake or a squeeze of the shoulder to let you know – hey, we are one in Christ. There are saints everywhere!

Be reminded.

3. BE AWED: the Trinity sees you! (v. 14)

Finally, Paul ends his farewell greeting with a benediction. This should keep the church in Corinth in awe of Who God is and what He is eternally doing on their behalf. The Son? He displays grace – God’s kindness at His expense! The cross is always before Him, and He wants His grace to be always before His children. The Father? He displays love. The Bible says that He has loved us with an everlasting love. That means that the church should first of all look at each other and then at the mission field the Good Lord has given her through the eyes of His love. And the Spirit? The Holy Spirit loves fellowship. When the church doors are open, He is there. Why, wherever the church is, He is there. He just loves to be with those Who love the Lord Jesus.Fellowship.

Be awed. May we never lose that sense of awe of the Lord’s presence in our lives and in our church.


“Goodbye, Farewell& Amen” – the title of the 11th season and the 16th episode of “MASH” – still the most widely watched episode in the history of television. For me, Season 30, Episode 52. Maybe not the most widely watched sermon in the history of Christianity.

But before I’m done this morning, there are 3 things I want you to remember:

FIRST, there are 900 people (or so) in the Village of Earlville – plus those in the surrounding areas. And there are only 2 churches in Earlville to meet the eternal needs of those people. That task is always before us. We’ve done well these past years. Don’t forget that God’s heart is for those 900 people, just as He showed each of us His heart for us at Calvary.

SECOND, our Verse for 2018, from Psalm 71:18, centers on the next generation. Your task, my task is never done. It is ever with a vision that the NEXT generation loves the Lord Jesus and walks with Him with the same privileges and graces that each of us have enjoyed.

Finally, THIRD,do you remember the contest in my early days here? We were to come upwith a theme, a catch phrase, a motto if you will, that best represents God’s heart and the personality of His heart at work in our fellowship. “Inviting and Accepting.” That is a foundational theme: we invite people to come just as they are to the Cross, because that is how the Lord Jesus invited each of us. And we accept people as they are – why? Because, as Paul says elsewhere,“such were some of you -But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.”

And OUR work here may have ended in the pulpit, but it has not ended in prayer. The prophet Samuel said that was his mission for God’s people, Israel. Please remember this: somewhere in this world, especially on Sunday morning around 7:30 am, by God’s grace there will be someone who will be praying for the First Baptist Church and Society of Earlville – and for each of the people that the Lord has brought through our doors in the past 10 plus years.

Who will join us in this eternal mission?

Close in prayer!


WeekFifty-Two, 2018


By John Grant

Recently America lost a great man… President George H. W. Bush. He was known by his care and compassion for others. When he was inaugurated, his inauguration speech called for a kinder and gentler nation. That should be a calling for each of us in this New Year. Find a place or person and minister to their needs.

“Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” This is,perhaps, the best known and most commonly quoted statement made by St. Francis of Assisi. Ministry is not always the words you say, but the help and compassion you show.

In 2019, find a nitch and fill it. It may be a humongous project you undertake with others, or it may be a one on one you do alone. Heidi Berkman noticed when she visited nursing homes and similar facilities that they were rather stark. One day she was shopping and saw an employee throwing out beautiful flowers. She inquired as to why and was told that the store only keeps them for two days. She sought the manager and asked if she could have the throw outs to share with the elderly. He said yes and The Bloom Project was born.

The Bloom Project

Compassionate Woman

The project started in Heidi’s garage, beginning with a few flowers and a few volunteers who wanted to create something special — bringing beauty and joy to those in end-of-life care. Many had experienced the loss of a loved one in hospice care, and recognized that they could make use of resources (flowers) that would otherwise be tossed out.

 In this modern society’s Christians struggle with their role in shaping a society that cares for those who are sick and in need. In essence, we have struggled to understand the work and responsibility of Christian compassion. Should this responsibility be shared by all and secured by the government, or should it primarily be the domain of people of faith and those moved by a higher calling to mercy and healing? I suggest the latter, but saying it and doing are two different matters.

What are you called to minister to the community around you? Make a resolution in the coming year to show compassion and Christian love and help this land become a kinder and gentler country.

 God bless and mayyou and yours have a most happy and blessed 2019



One evening, after the honeymoon, Dick was working on his Harley in the garage. His new wife was standing there by the bench watching him.

After a long period of silence she finally said, “Honey, I’ve just been thinking,now that we’re married, maybe it’s time you quit spending so much of your time out here in your garage. You probably should consider selling your Harley and all that welding equipment; they take up so much of your time. And that gun collection and fishing gear, they just take up so much space. And you know the boat is such an ongoing expense; and you hardly use it. I also think you should lose all those stupid model airplanes and your home brewing equipment and what’s the use of that vintage hot rod?

Dick got a horrified look on his face. She noticed and said, “Darling, what’s wrong?”He replied, “You were starting to sound like my ex-wife.” “Ex-wife!?” she shouted, “YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE MARRIED BEFORE!” Dick replied, “I wasn’t.”

— o —

To think we are looking at images from the surface of another planet in our solar system from our cell phone!!! And yet we haven’t found a way to get the gospel to everyone on earth in their own language yet? Someone PLEASE tell me why?

— o —

A man on a ladder says, “This is my step-ladder. I don’t know where my real ladder is.”

— o —

A lady took her pet duck to the duck vet, thinking it was deceased. The vet agreed, but the lady asked him to make sure, so the vet brought in a cat who looked closely and shook its head in the negative. She asked for one more test, so the vet brought in a lab who looked, smelled and shook his head likewise. Satisfied that her duck was dead, she asked for a bill. It read $450. Shocked she asked why the vet charged so much. He responded that he didn’t charge anything, but the charges were for the “cat scan” and the “lab report.”



Learning starts on the first day of life, not on the first day of school. Dana Suskind

Are you leaning on a shovel and praying for a hole? Are you talk or action? Cary Gaylord

The Gospel Is an Invitation, Not an Application – Ken Whitten

It’s nice to go into a legal battle when you have the Creator of the Universe as your confidant. Dwight Short

When you realize that your mind has wandered away from Jesus, don’t be alarmed or surprised. You live in a world that has been rigged to distract you. Each time you plow your way through the massive distractions to communicate with Him, you achieve a victory. Rejoice in these tiny triumphs, and they will increasingly light up your days.




FBC Earlville, N.Y., Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TONIGHT’S “SPECIAL”: “Flight to Egypt”

A little boy came home from Sunday school just before Christmas, proudly showing his dad the picture he drew in class. It looked very much like an airplane with passengers, so his father asked his son what the picture represented.

“It’s the flight to Egypt,” answered the boy.

“I see,” said the father. “And this must be Mary and the baby Jesus.”

“Yes!” said the son enthusiastically.

“Who is flying the plane?”, dad asked, pointing to the cockpit.

Without skipping a beat, the boy answered, “That’s Pontius, the pilot!”

“I see,” said dad. And pointing to a heavy set figure sitting at the back of the plane, he asked, “and who is this?”

“THAT’S Round John Virgin!”


Tomorrow is Christmas Day! Just the very thought of Christmas envisions family, food, and presents – perhaps many of which won’t be paid for for years to come. Yet despite all that it takes to make for a successful Christmas Day gathering, you know it is worth it all to bring family together.

 Yet for many,Christmas is a rough time. One of my former neighbors and her husband were married on Christmas Day some 60 years earlier. When he passed away, Christmas was a tough day for her. Many of us have lost loved ones during the Christmas season. Those hurts, while softened with time, never really go away. We share that together.

What do we all need? We need “a thrill of hope”! We need a spark in the heart that God is not deaf to my heart, to my real world.

And into that season enters the Book of Ruth. Tonight we are going to be in Ruth 4, a wonderful chapter which culminates the story which I have called the “Christmas Book of the OT”.

And throughout the story, I will need your help to dramatize the story. OK?


#1. Elimelech: aJewish man from a little town called Bethlehem [When you hear“Bethlehem”, please sing: “O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM”] In Judah, Israel. He lived about the time of the Judges – which the Bible says is when “every man did that which is right in his own eyes.” Sounds like today, doesn’t it. He cared for his family,and when times got tough, and food was scarce, he took his wife and 2 sons to the country of Moab. [“BOO” HISS” – they were the enemies of the Jews]

#2. Naomi: she was the wife of Elimelech. She was a very logical person. She thought through things. And when she heard that food was now plentiful in Bethlehem [“O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM”] once again, she decided to move her family back there. But in the years she was in Moab [“BOOHISS”] her husband had died, and her 2 sons had died, and all she had left were her two daughters-in-law, widows of her sons. They were from Moab [“BOO HISS”].

#3. Ruth she was from Moab [“BOO HISS”]. When Naomi saw the famine was over in Bethlehem [“O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM”] she told Naomi that she wanted to return there with Naomi.

She had made a choice! The Bible records her words to Naomi, her mother-in-law –perhaps you’ve heard them in a wedding:

“Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” WOW!

#4. Boaz he was a wealthy landowner from Bethlehem [“O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM”] and, here’s a key to the story, a close relative to Elimelech, Naomi’s deceased husband.

Being a close relative, Boaz had the legal right to buy back all of the property that Elimelech and Naomi lost after they moved to Moab [BOO HISS] where Elimelech and his sons died. Thus Boaz is what is known as a “kinsman redeemer” [HIP HIP HOORAY!].

Those are the main characters of our story.

#5 OH – one more character – one we will call Kinsman Redeemer # 2  [HIP HIP HOORAY} who is a closer relative to Elimelech than Boaz, thus having greater rights to the estate than Boaz.

#6 OH – one more important group: the elders and the townspeople who were witnesses. THEY ARE YOU! When you hear your name, say “I SEE”!


Let’s read Ruth 4:1-6. With your well learned descriptive calls. OK? Here we go:

“Meanwhile Boaz went up to the town gate and sat down there just as the kinsman-redeemer [HIP HIP HOORAY!] he had mentioned came along. Boaz said, “Come over here, my friend, and sit down.” So he went over and sat down.

2 Boaz took ten of the elders of the town [I SEE!] and said, “Sit here,” and they did so.

3 Then he said to the kinsman-redeemer [HIP HIP HOORAY!], “Naomi, who has come back from Moab [BOO HISS!], is selling the piece of land that belonged to our relative Elimelech.

4 I thought I should bring the matter to your attention and suggest that you buy it in the presence of these seated here and in the presence of the elders of my people [I SEE!]. If you will redeem it, do so. But if you will not,tell me, so I will know. For no one has the right to do it except you, and I am next in line.”

“I will redeem it,” he said.

5 Then Boaz said,“On the day you buy the land from Naomi, you also acquire Ruth the Moabite [BOO HISS!], the dead man’s widow, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property.”

6 At this, the kinsman-redeemer [HIP HIP HOORAY!] said, “Then I cannot redeem it because I might endanger my own estate. You redeem it yourself. I cannot do it.””

(You did well acting; you can rest now)

Back in those days,when people made agreements before witnesses at the gate of the city– where all legal transactions and business took place, there was an item which sealed the agreement. I need some help here! [Walk over and get the organist’s shoe]. The shoe was a symbol that the agreement had been made between two parties. Everyone saw it. The transaction was settled. Boaz, also a kinsman redeemer, had bought back all the property Elimelech lost when he and his family had gone down to Moab. Included in that was the marrying of Ruth.

Ruth! Here was someone who had absolutely no rights. No hope. She was a member of the enemies of the people of God. But now? She was given hope! By faith she had trusted the true God of Israel over the false gods of Moab. And by marriage her faith and trust were sealed in the oneness she would share with Boaz.

Read Ruth 4:11. The people of Bethlehem rejoiced in this marriage – and they trusted that the Messiah would come through the fruit of this marriage. This was the hope of every family in Israel. Little could they realize what would happen!

CONCLUSION: Boaz marries Ruth and she has a baby.

The women of the town name him “Obed”. They proclaim their desire of what the baby will be: her kinsman-redeemer, famous throughout Israel, a renewer of youth, and a sustainer of life.

Let’s look at his genealogy: you read Ruth 4:17

(I’ll read Matthew 1:5-6; 15-16)

I was reading Matthew – for Obed is a great-great (great-great-great….) grandfather of the baby Jesus. Which means Ruth is a great-great-great (great-great-great….) grandmother of the baby Jesus.

Ruth from Moab (BOOHISS) was given eternal grace, so that her heritage could give birth to the One Who would save His people from their sins!

If God would love Ruth that much – one who was an enemy of the people of God –think how much more He loves us, we who were without God and without hope. He loved us so much that He indeed did send His Son to the manger that He would have a body with which He could die on Calvary’s tree for our sins. He is the ultimate Kinsman-Redeemer, for He wants to redeem us! Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior, your Kinsman-Redeemer? Aren’t you glad that trust in Him brings, well…HOPE?

Close in prayer


Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

First Baptist Church, Earlville, NY


Rev. Jeremy Stopford, Pastor


“A Squirrel Funny” – an oldie but goodie

 A small town hadthree churches — and all three were virtually overrun with pesky squirrels.

The first church called a meeting to decide what to do about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they determined that God must have wanted the squirrels there, and the church shouldn’t interfere with God’s divine will.

The second church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God’s creations, so they humanely trapped the squirrels and set them free a few miles outside of town. Three days later, the squirrels were back.

The third church came up with the best and most effective solution: they baptized the squirrels and registered them as members of the church. Now they see them only on Christmas and Easter.


We are in the Book of Ruth, what I call the “Christmas Book of the O.T.”. We have been following the life of Ruth the Moabitess, who, by virtue of her being born in the family of the enemies of Israel, had absolutely no hope to be under the umbrella of the grace of God. It would take a miracle for her. It would take the initiative of someone to show her undeserved kindness, breaking the centuries old Jewish law which forbad Moabites from entering the kingdom of God. Ruth had no hope.Ruth 3 shows hope arriving through a most unusual vehicle, her kinsman-redeemer. PRAYER


The kinsman-redeemer is one who is a relative of one who is in need. Naomi recognized that Ruth is one in need. She had no rights as an Israelite, because she was a Moabitess – a clan of the enemies of the people of Israel.But Naomi was of a higher vision. While at the beginning of the story, she simply looked at the facts and not at faith, by Chapter 3she is looking at faith. She has seen what God has already done –put Ruth as a servant girl in the field of a relative of Naomi’s late husband. Naomi is overwhelmed by the God-sightings in her life.“God-sightings” – do you know what they are? They are seemingly“happenstances” in our lives which, when really considered, show no earthly reason for their occurring. Like the other night: “happening” to meet at supper a fellow police department retiree who now owns a moving company. He said, “I’ll be glad to move you– and since you are a fellow police department retiree, I will give you a discount that will amaze you.”

But Naomi’s happenstances were greater than finding a moving company. In the beginning, she thought God had deserted her, but instead, God had never left her at all. The Lord of Israel gave Naomi – and Ruth –a provider, one who would be her “kinsman-redeemer”.

Listen to Numbers27:8-11: “Say to the Israelites, ‘If a man dies and leaves no son, give his inheritance to his daughter. If he has no daughter,give his inheritance to his brothers. If he has no brothers, give his inheritance to his father’s brothers. If his father had no brothers, give his inheritance to the nearest relative in his clan,that he may possess it. This is to have the force of law for the Israelites, as the Lord commanded Moses.’”

Boaz was a near relative to Naomi’s late husband. He could do the impossible. He could bring Ruth, the one with no rights in Israel, to a position of belonging to the family of God.

With such a possibility in sight, Naomi gives interesting instructions to Ruth.


Look what one does when one is getting ready to meet one’s provider! Ruth was instructed to “wash and perfume” herself, and put on her best clothes! She takes a bathe and coats herself in “come hither”perfume! She sprays on her Channel # 4. She puts on her duds that say, “whoa! Where have you been all my life?” But most of all she displays an attraction which draws her suitor, Boaz, to the inner woman – the real person that Ruth is.

Peter says the same of godly women: In 1 Peter 3:3-4 he instructs, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,which is of great worth in God’s sight.” Ruth had that inner beauty which had already attracted herself to Boaz without her even saying a word. Boaz knew, he KNEW, that Ruth was of a godly character, a Proverbs 31 woman – a woman of excellence.

 And he knew, heKNEW, that if he didn’t have Ruth as his wife, he would be, well,Ruth-less! Yeah.

But Ruth also does another interesting reaction. Our NIV says that in the middle of the night, after she observed Boaz fall asleep, she went near to where he was sleeping, uncovered his feet and lay down. And when Boaz does awake and is shocked to find a woman at his feet, she requests that he spreads his garment over her – a symbol of coming under his protection.

Do you remember Ruth2:12? Boaz commended Ruth for her godly character – even as a Moabitess, a member of those who had no godly heritage. She has wisely come under Naomi’s care – and in turn, according to Boaz,she had learned to come under the protection and refuge of the living God. The Psalmist said it well, too. In Psalm 17:8 (and others!), he writes, “Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings…”.

Ruth – through the insight of Naomi – was to seek Boaz to be her kinsman-redeemer. And the Lord Jesus desires to be that Redeemer for us! Philippians 2:6-8says, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made inhuman likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!”


In Ruth 3:1, Naomi says to Ruth, “should I not try to find a home for you?” The word“home” is the Hebrew word for “rest”. She is saying,“ shouldn’t I try to find rest for you, a place where you are no longer wandering, no longer going from field to field? Shouldn’t I try to find, well, a husband for you?”

In Ruth 3:18, Naomi instructs Ruth to “wait”, because Boaz will not rest – there it is again – until the matter of Ruth’s redemption is settled.

In Matthew 11:28,the Lord Jesus said, “Come unto Me all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” Jesus is the true Kinsman-Redeemer. There is none like Him.

But He doesn’t force His love upon us. Nor do we have to wear “come hither”perfume on to gain His attention. Rather, He simply asks us to “learn of Me.” Find out for ourselves that He alone is worthy of our eternal trust.

Ruth needed rest.You and I need rest. We hunger for rest. God has placed in each of our hearts an eternal hunger for substance, for truth, for rest –knowing full well that He alone is the One Who can provide that rest.He alone would send His one and only Son to earth at Christmas time.Baby Jesus would have a body and a mission – His Father’s business – to go to the cross for our sins, that “whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

 Is the Lord Jesusyour Kinsman-Redeemer? He invites you today to “come unto Him”.

Close in prayer


Anapology from Frank Becker: I’ve been unable to update the web site properly because I was in the hospital for four days, and am still not recovered. I hope to catch up soon.

Week Fifty-One, 2018


By John Grant

She gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. Luke 2:7

 Like a three-legged piano stool which requires all three legs tostand, the Christian faith rests upon three Biblical events…….The cradle, the cross and the crown. Jesus was born in an obscure manger, suffered a painful and humiliating death upon a cross and then received His crown as He gloriously ascended into heaven.

 At this season, we celebrate the first of those three faithfoundations. The Christmas message is relevant, revolutionary and reassuring to us today. It can be summed up in three words: a cradle, a cross and a crown.

 What a difference the baby born in Bethlehem’s manger 2,000 yearsago makes to our world today. The educational systems He has inspired, the social reforms that His teachings have instituted, and the transformation of families and lives that have come about as a result of a baby born at Bethlehem! The whole world was thinking of Caesar. The whole world was thinking of Rome. But in God’s eternal plan, He was thinking of a baby in a manger in the little tiny town of Bethlehem.

 The central message of Christmas is that Jesus Christ, by Hisdeath and resurrection, can transform both individuals and society. At the cradle, He was in the stall of an animal. At the cross, He wore a crown of thorns. But when He comes again, it will be as Commander in Chief of the armies of Heaven.

 He will take control of this war-weary world and bring the peace that we strive for and long for. A new world will be formed, a new social order will emerge. Sin will be eliminated. Tears will be wiped from every eye. Disease shall be no more, and even death will be eliminated from the human scene. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and war shall be no more.

 This is the promise of Christmas. This is our hope. This is theChristmas star that lights our darkness. This is the assurance that a new day is coming, through the Messiah, whose name is called by Isaiah the prophet, “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

This is God’s gift of Christmas: the cradle—His Son; the Cross—His life; the crown—His coming kingdom.

This faith of ours, it all begins with Christmas.



Ken Whitten’s words on stability:

Stability Comes When We Are Sensing God’s Presence

Stability Comes When We Are Trusting In God’s Power

Stability Comes When We Are Resting In God’s Promises

When I Become Unstable – I Remember the Stable

— o —

Thoughts of President George H. W. Bush:

Hatred controls the container in which it is held.

Die young, but do it as late as possible.

Never be defined by failure.

When death comes, life is not ended; it is just changed.

— o —


Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny!

— o —

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right,persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10)

— o —

If you leave earth and travel to the nearest star traveling at 150,000 miles per hour, it would take 18,000 years to arrive at your destination.



Unlike the gifts beneath the tree, God has planted unique abilities into all of us and we forget to open that package! DwightShort

Don’t mistake God’s silence with His absence in your life. Ken Whitten

Those who travel the high road of humility aren’t slowed by heavy traffic.

Senator Allen Simpson

If you don’t know where you are going you will be lost when you get there. Yogi Barea

When you recognize where God is working you can join Him in what He is doing.


FBC Earlville, N.Y., Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor


“Signs that yourchurch fund-raising campaign is in trouble” [from a book on “BibleHumor” found in our own church library!    ]:

Your consultant’s first name is “Fingers”

 Half of the campaign letters were returned, “addressee unknown”

You have been receiving fast-food coupons in the offering plate.

 Commitment Sunday falls during Spring Break.

 The Chairman of the Board recommends donating soda bottles and cans as a major funding source of the campaign.

Finally, most members think that “Faith Promise” is the name of the pastor’s secretary.


We are in the Book of Ruth, often called the “Christmas Story of the OT”. Last week we met what I called the “3 ladies of the Christmas Story”:Naomi, who looked at life through simply seeing all the facts – and jumping on the facts with the understandable “life is impossible, don’t do it” attitude. Then there is her first daughter-in-law,Orpah, who looked at her false gods of Moab with greater hope than any supposed true God in Israel. Finally there is the one who is to be the main character of the story, Ruth, Naomi’s second daughter-in-law, who looks at life through the eyes of faith. Ruth, too, saw the false gods and the seeming security they brought. She also saw Israel – and Israel’s true God – through the stories of Naomi. And she knew, she knew, that He alone was worthy to betrusted.

Today’s lesson takes us to Israel, to a little town called Bethlehem (why is it always called a “little town”?). Here Ruth comes face to face with her faith on display through several displays of amazing kindness – what our text calls “favor” – and those kindnesses will draw Ruth, and eternity, to an active knowledge of the true God.

And in the process, those kindnesses will show us the evidences of the seen hand of the unseen God in our little towns as well! PRAYER

#1 ”We have met the enemy and he is us.” – Pogo

We must remember a very important point in this book: Ruth is a member of the enemies of Israel. She hails from Moab.

Often in the book she is referred in disdain as “Ruth the Moabitess”. Look at the verses within our text of Chapter 2:

Verse 2, “Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi”

Verse 6, “The foreman replied, She is the Moabitess who came back from Moab with Naomi”

Verse 21, “Then Ruth the Moabitess said” – even the author of the text wants his readers to know, to remember forever, her roots. She was first and foremost a citizen of Moab.

But why does Moab bring such a poor taste in the mouths of the Israelites? A look at one text in Deuteronomy 23:3-4 answers that question: “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter the assembly of the Lord; even to the tenth generation none of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the Lord forever, because they did not meet you with bread and water on the road when you came out of Egypt, and because they hired against you Balaam the son of Beor from Pethor of Mesopotamia, to curse you.” Note first of all what the latter part of the passage says: “because they did not meet you with bread and water” when you were getting ready to come out of the wilderness wanderings. The citizens of Moab showed no kindness to the people of the true God. That lack of kindness would label the citizens of Moab as the enemies of Israel. But note even more so the length of that hatred: in the former part of the verse, it says that no citizen of Moab shall enter the assembly of the Lord even to the tenth generation.” Remember that Moses, the human author of Deuteronomy, was addressing those who were the “next generation” of Israelites. These were the children of those who had left Egypt. Of all those who had left Egypt, only Moses and Joshua were left. But Moses knew his days, too, were numbered. So he addresses the next generation with words of remembrance, of eternal advice. And note that he wasn’t trying to put a physical limit on how long the Moabites would not be allowed to become citizens of Israel. “to the tenth generation” didn’t mean somewhere between 300 and 400 years. No, no! It means they were NEVER to be allowed to be a part of the assembly of Egypt. Never. No possibilities. No how. NEVER.

In the old cartoon,Pogo, his most famous quotation is, “we have met the enemy and he is us.” The people of Ruth’s day remembered: their eternal enemy was the people of Moab. And Ruth was part of Moab. She, then, was a natural-born enemy of Israel.

All the proverbial cards were stacked against Ruth. It was both physically and Biblically impossible for her to be considered with any ounce of the favor of God.

And into that scenario enters Ruth Chapter 2.

# 2. “For by grace are you saved through faith” – Paul

There is an interesting word in our NIV text. The word appears 3 times.

Look at verse 2. In a conversation with Naomi, Ruth seeks her permission: “Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor.” In the KJV, the writer uses the word “grace” for“favor”. Theologians cherish the word: “God’s riches at Christ’s expense.” “Grace” is an undeserved favor bestowed, often by a superior to a lesser. Ruth was seeking that favor.

She understood her position. She was a stranger. Perhaps she had heard Naomi quote from Leviticus 23:22, “‘When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field when you reap, nor shall you gather any gleaning from your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the stranger: I am the Lord your God.’ ”

She was a stranger,and she certainly was poor! She was hoping for that favor, that undeserved kindness, and that hopeful obedience of any Israelite to be shown to her. She in turn was hoping that there would be at least one nearby citizen of Israel who counted God’s word worthy to be obeyed. Through the eyes of Naomi, Ruth was developing what we call faith, faith in the unseen God as seen on display through the people who called themselves the “people of God.” Favor is what she sought – little could she imagine how that favor would be found.

But let us remember that Ruth’s position was once ours as well. Listen to how Paul describes this, first in Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace [“God’s undeserved favor”] you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Where Ruth was dependent on grace, so were we.

But let’s look further! We, too, were strangers as well to God! Ephesians 2:12-13 read, “that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Even at Christmas, the cross is the hope of the lost.

But we are no longer strangers! Look at Ephesians 2:19-20, “ Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone…”. Like Ruth, our faith will change our position before the Lord. Isn’t that amazing?

But the favor shown Ruth can also be found elsewhere. Look at Ruth 2, verse 10, where she asks with amazement, “Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me – a foreigner?” Isn’t it neat how such undeserved kindness is questioned as being unbelievable? She knows her position– she is born an enemy to God’s people, and, in her thinking, to their God as well. She knows their position, the people of God. Yet they through Boaz and his hired hands are showing her undeserved kindness. What kind of God do they love and serve that would cause them to show undeserved kindness to an enemy and stranger?

And finally in verse13 she utters her heart of hope, “may I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord…though I do not have the standing of one of your servant girls.” She realizes everything that she is and that they are. Why, even Boaz’ servant girls had a greater position than she did. And yet she was treated with favor, the kindness of God as on display through Boaz and his men. Wow.

She had told Naomi that she would follow her God. Slowly but surely, she is finding that such a God is the only One worthy to be trusted. Have we?



As we wrap up this message of the “tale of God’s favor”, there is one major point in the story that is often overlooked. Perhaps our NIV words it poorly. Look at verse 3, “So she [Ruth] went out and began to gleaning the fields behind the harvesters. As it turned out, she found herself working in a field belonging to Boaz, who was from the clan of Elimelech.” Our KJV says, “her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz…”. To those who are without God and yet looking for Him, all things seem to be “by chance”. My life has many of those that the Lord wonderfully laid before me: A good friend who happened to be saved at a revival the previous week. A fellow counselor who happened to have Bibles on his bureau that he purposefully put there to give away. A pastor who happened to be called to be the president of the Bible School to which the Lord one day would call me. And lastly, coming back to college from a ministry weekend only to find that standing at the steps of the college’s front door just happened to be the girl that I would marry – and that marriage just happened to be not in the too distant future!

The favor of God delights in bringing our lives in alignment with His heart. The favor of God delights in bringing our submission to His best plans for our lives. The favor of God delights ultimately to show us that He alone is worthy of both our eternal and our daily trust.

And that favor was foremost on display at that first Christmas, when God sent forth His Son to be born in a manger, that He might one day go to Calvary’s cross for our sins, that we in turn might one day trust the grace –the favor of God for our salvation.

Have you met firsthand the favor of the God of Christmas?

Close in prayer

Physician, Heal Thyself

Week Fifty, 2018


Jesus said to them, “Surely you will quote this proverb to me: ‘Physician, heal yourself!’ And you will tell me, Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum” (Luke 4:23).

He was a hometown boy in our city who became a world famous cardiac surgeon. He pioneered heart transplants and perfected many surgical procedures. He was known for both his skill and his speed. His skills in heart surgery are credited with saving many lives. Recently he died…. of all things from heart failure. He could heal others, but could not heal himself.

The Bible speaks of people who can heal others, but not themselves. What’s the meaning of the phrase ‘Physician, heal thyself’? It refers to tend to one’s own faults, in preference to pointing out the faults of others.

The phrase alludes to the readiness and ability of physicians to heal sickness in others while sometimes not being able or willing to heal themselves. This suggests something of ‘the cobbler always wears the worst shoes’. That is cobblers are too poor and busy to attend to their own footwear. It also suggests that physicians, while often being able to help the sick, cannot always do so and, when sick themselves, are in no better place than anyone else.

We should not attempt to reach out and cure the ills of others until we heal the ills and faults of our self. Things need to be okay at home in our own lives before we try to “concur the world.”

Early in His ministry, Jesus was in Nazareth speaking in the synagogue. Nazareth was His hometown, and the people there were familiar with His family and had watched Him grow up (Luke 4:16). When Jesus read a messianic prophecy from Isaiah and claimed to be the fulfillment of it, the crowd in the synagogue immediately balked (verses 17–22). It was then that Jesus made reference to a proverb of the day: “Physician, heal thyself” (verse 23, KJV).

People should take care of their own defects and not just correct the faults of others. Jesus was aware that this would not set well with the hometown folks, who refused to examine and correct themselves before reaching out to expose the ills and sins of those in other towns.

This is a reminder for us to look at ourselves in the mirror and see our faults before lashing out at others.



This will boggle your mind!

The year is 1918 “One hundred years ago.”

What a difference a century makes!

Here are some statistics for the Year 1918:

  • The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
  • Fuel for cars was sold in drug stores only.
  • Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
  • Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
  • The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
  • The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.
  • The average US wage in 1918 was 22 cents per hour.
  • The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.
  • A competent accountant could expect to earn $2,000 per year.
  • A dentist earned $2,500 per year.
  • A veterinarian between $1,500 and 4,000 per year.
  • And, a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
  • More than 95 percent of all births took place at home
  • Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
  • Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press AND the government as “substandard.”
  • Sugar cost four cents a pound.
  • Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
  • Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
  • Most women only washed their hair once a month, And, used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
  • Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
  • The Five leading causes of death were:

1. Pneumonia and influenza

2. Tuberculosis

3. Diarrhea

4 Heart disease

5. Stroke

  • The American flag had 45 stars …
  • The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was only 30.
  • Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn’t been invented yet.
  • There was neither a Mother’s Day nor a Father’s Day.
  • Two out of every 10 adults couldn’t read or write
  • And, only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
  • Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists said, “Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach, bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health!” (Shocking?)
  • Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help…
  • There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A. !



Generosity gives out of abundance; sacrifice costs us something.

See the Good, not the Bad

Gratitude Is the Attitude that Sets the Altitude for Living. Focus on the Positive not the Negative

When we have an education of God’s performance in the past and evidence of God’s presence in the now, we can have an encouragement of God’s provision in the future.

If God is all you have, you have all you need.

I might wake up early and go running or I might wake up early and win the lottery. The odds are about the same.


CHRISTMAS: “A TALE OF 3 LADIES” (Ruth, Chapter 1)

FBC Earlville, N.Y. December 2, 2018 10:30 AM, Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: A “Shepherd Funny”

Do you know why, in New Testament times, that shepherds refused to hang glide?

They were soar afraid!


Inspiration for a message comes in many unusual forms, but I must admit this has been one of the most unusual sources of direction. The other night I couldn’t sleep, so I prayed! And in the middle of the prayer I asked the Lord where He wanted me to go in the way of messages for the Christmas season. All of a sudden, a still small voice said, “List the books of the Bible, and think of a book that has the Christmas story in it – a story from which you have not preached here in Earlville.” I’m thinking, sort of, “yeah, right.” Gen, Ex., Lev, Num, Deut., Joshua, Judges, RUTH.” Then it hit me – Ruth is the Old Testament Christmas story! So here we are.

Look at Ruth 1:1, “in the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land….” This verse takes us back to the LAST verse of Judges, Judges 21:25, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” The family we are looking at for 3 of the next 4 Sundays lived at this time. They did not see life through the eyes of the Unseen Hand of God guiding them. They saw life, perhaps as many of you do, through the eyes of “what is best for my family; what is best for me.” That is a most practical guide, but outwardly it may appear to have no substance to it.

We will meet Elimelech and his family: Naomi, and two sons, Mahlon and Kilion. There is no mention of the Lord here in Chapter 1. There IS mention of a famine. Elimelech does what he thinks it best for his family in the famine, head to where there is food and water. Yet in the midst of this journey for what is best, there is the tale of 3 ladies who will lead us to Christmas. And there is the tale of the Hand of the Unseen God. Perhaps we all will see Him in a fresh way this Christmas season, too. PRAYER


We are introduced to Naomi in 1:2. She was Elimelech’s wife. Her name means “pleasant”. Can you imagine all the hopes and joys her parents had when they named her that? Let’s check the facts of her life:

#1 FAMILY! (1:1-2) Is it possible for a couple to be a family, with children, but not be a family? Naomi was born in a family of Israel, presumably in the area of Bethlehem. Tuck that information away. Something happens really famous in that city many years later. You may want to remember that!

And she marries a dude from Israel named “Elimelech”. His name means, “God is King.” They settle in Bethlehem. The ancient city of Bethlehem was once called “Ephrath”, so in our story they are known as “Ephrathites” – that would tell people they were from Bethlehem. So far so good. They have the potential of some very spiritual roots. What could go wrong?

#2 FAMINE! (1:1)

Famine is often used in Scripture as a source of judgment. Remember the times of the days – everyone doing what is right in their own eyes. The famine is designed by a loving Heavenly Father to point His children to Himself! It is providentially designed to cause His children to seek His face, His help, His direction. He did that often to Israel as a nation, and He does that often in our lives. Even the prophet Amos (8:11) talked about a “famine of the word of God.”

There is no mention in these verses that Elimelech sought the Lord’s leading here during the famine. He simply sought what was best. And it is neat that the Lord is gracious. Because through the famine, this family will learn God’s grace (or “favor”).

#3 Went to Moab (1:1) – they headed south, a symbol for going away from the land of promise. Israel, the land of blessing. Moab, the land of the enemy. That’s a fact

#4 Continued there (1:2) – this indicates that when the famine was over, well, they were happen in the land of the enemies of Israel.

#5 Elimelech died (1:3) – this is a major change in Naomi’s life, as it has been for many that we know. This was a fact, a fact with which she would have to adjust quickly

#6 Her sons took Moabites for wives (1:4), contrary to the Mosaic law which demanded that an Israelite was to take a wife from the tribe in which he was born.

#7 The sons died (1:5). “Mahlon” means “sick”; “Chilion” means “pining”. Perhaps all their lives they were a tad sickly, and Naomi like a good mother had to deal with their illnesses often. But now her husband and 2 sons were gone.

#8 She returns to the land of blessing (1:6). Her conclusion, v. 13 and vs. 19-21, she is no longer “Naomi” (“pleasant”), but “Mara” (“bitter”).

2 Cor. 5:7 says, “for we walk by faith not by sight.” Thankfully, the story does not end here. But looking at the facts, Naomi was now a most miserable woman despite the blessings of the roots of her life and heritage.


We don’t have a whole lot of info about her.

But we know her heart: Verses 7-8 and verses 13-15 show that the roots of her life were the false gods of Moab. She returned to her roots. She returned to a life without God and without hope.

What a sad commentary! There is nothing more in scripture mentioned about Orpah. She might have had an godly heritage created in Israel, the land of promise, but she chose the false gods, the empty gods of the world.

Is it possible for those who say they love Jesus to so settle for those empty gods as well? Ponder that a while.

A choice must be made. Orpah chose the flesh over the faith.


Note this: Ruth saw the facts of the famine as well as the hope of Israel. She saw the faith of Naomi, as feeble as it may have been.

She saw the death.

She saw the eyes of the flesh through her sister-in-law, Orpah.

But she had a look, a look of faith! (vs. 16-17).

Isn’t it funny that these verses are often quoted at weddings? But the context is the SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP between a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law!

NOTE v. 18, “she was determined” – steadfastly minded!

The eyes of faith have a mindset on the Lord, and respond accordingly.

She, like Orpah, realized the offer of Naomi was a choice between the gods of Moab and the living and true God of Israel.

What a crossroads! And she made the right choice!


Our conclusion is based on the reality, firm upon God’s word, that we are people of promise.

How is your sight today – through the eyes of facts, flesh, or faith?

When we read the last chapter, we will see God has not nor ever will change, that He is the God of promise, of His Word!

3 ladies of Christmas. Perhaps you never heard of them before.

They’re tucked away in the Christmas book of the Old Testament, the Book of Ruth!

Close in prayer

“John Anderson”

Week Forty-Nine, 2018


By John Grant

Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. Luke 6:38

Grace was an elderly lady driving alone at night on a rural road, She felt uneasy. Suddenly she pulled over with a flat tire and felt helpless. A truck pulled in behind her and a big man stepped out and knocked on her window. Even though he asked her to lower her window, she was very scared.

He told her his name was John Anderson and he wanted to change her tire. Feeling somewhat relieved, she told him to go ahead. When he was finished he came back to her window and she asked how much she owed him. He said nothing as it was an act of kindness. Then he said to her that when she next saw someone in need to help them.

Grace drove away and stopped at an all-night diner, where she was approached by a somewhat over pregnant server named Judy, who politely served her. When Judy brought her the check, Grace handed Judy a one hundred dollar bill and told her to keep the change. When Grace left, Judy proceeded to clean the table, she found four more one hundred dollar bills under a napkin. Judy felt so blessed as she and her husband lacked the money to pay for the delivery and now they had the money.

Judy got off work at midnight and went home to find her husband already asleep in bed. As Judy climbed into their bed, she woke her husband and shared the good news with him. They both felt blessed.

There’s something Biblical about passing on blessings. In Luke it says that we are to give and it will come back to you. We are told to help and bless others, even at our own cost. John blessed Grace, who blessed Judy.

We have heard the quote that says “what goes around comes around comes around”. Too often that used to describe what happened when we do bad things. The Bible says it is what happens when we live a life of generosity and blessing others.

We should focus on how we can bless others. It will always come back, perhaps not to us, but to someone, as we focus on giving rather than receiving. That’s what John and Grace did.

But now the rest of the story. The husband who Judy shared her good news was none other than John Anderson.


A new Harvard study investigated the health and mental health of children and teenagers who were raised with religious or spiritual practices. What they found was fascinating.

Those who attended religious services at least once a week as children or teens were about 18 percent more likely to report being happier in their twenties than those who never attended services. They were almost 30 percent more likely to do volunteer work and 33 percent less likely to use drugs in their twenties.

In addition, people who prayed and meditated individually on a daily basis had more life satisfaction, were better able to process emotions, and were more forgiving. They were less likely to have sex at an earlier age and to have a sexually transmitted disease.

The Forbes article reporting on the study concludes: “Some of the fundamental habits that humans have been doing for eons (praying, meditating) might actually have a lot more value than we tend to think.”

— o —

Ken Whitten on giving:

1. The Greatest Givers do not Necessarily Give the Greatest Gifts.

2. Don’t Have to be Rich to be Generous

3. Don’t Have to Have a Lot to Give

4. Don’t Have to Have a Lot to Give a Lot.



Virginia Satyr says that most people prefer the certainty of misery than the misery of uncertainty. We’d rather head back to Egypt than learn to live as healthy people.

The woman came from a man’s rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected and next to the heart to be loved.”

Focus on the Right not the Wrong.

Eyes that look are common; eyes that see are rare,” wrote J. Oswald Sanders in his book Spiritual Leadership.

©2018 John Grant | Florida State Senator (Ret.)


FBC Earlville, N.Y. , Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S “SPECIAL”: “Two Turkey Funnies”

#1: A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn’t find one big enough for her family.
She asked a stock boy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?”
The stock boy replied, “No ma’am, they’re dead.”

#2: An industrious turkey farmer was always experimenting with breeding to perfect a better turkey.
His family was fond of the legs for dinner and there were never enough for everyone. After many frustrating attempts, the farmer was relating the results of his efforts to his friends at the general store get together: “Well I finally did it. I bred a turkey that has 6 legs!”
They all asked the farmer how it tasted.
“I don’t know,” said the farmer. “I could never catch the thing!”


The unnamed psalmist in Psalm 116:17 writes, “I will sacrifice a thank offering to You and call on the name of the Lord.” In our NKJV (and similar to KJV) it reads, “I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord.” The phrases “thank offering” and “sacrifice of thanksgiving” are quite connected. They imply an offering that has no earthly value. They imply an offering which financially cost the giver absolutely nothing. But an offering must cost the giver something, right? So what is the cost? The cost is the acknowledgement that the Lord Himself is the Giver of all that we have. The offering – the sacrifice of thanksgiving – is the returning to the Lord what He already owns, the recognition that He is the Provider of all that we have. THAT is why it is a “sacrifice”! It is our humblement – as a fellow college student used to call it – to admit that for what the Lord has given only He deserves the praise and thanks for that gift.
Let’s look at some of those things which caused the author of this psalm to offer such a sacrifice. And, in turn, may these prod our hearts to a spirit of thanksgiving as well. PRAYER

1. The intimacy with the Lord (v. 1)

This is huge! The psalmist admits to a personal acquaintance with the living God! It was so personal that he had absolutely no uncertainty that when he prayed, the Lord heard. Not only did God hear his prayer, He also heard his cry for mercy. “Mercy” is the calling out for help that one does not deserve. In light of the cross, it is the Savior taking upon Himself the sacrifice that we deserve because of our sin. Mercy.
So why is this huge? It is huge because of the intimacy. The psalmist had an open book before the Lord. Nothing was hidden between the Savior and he. And the psalmist knew, he KNEW FOR CERTAIN, that not only did the Lord hear, but He answered the psalmist’s cry for help for which he was not worthy.
Do you share that intimacy with the Lord? Is your relationship with Him personal, or is it so shallow that there is uncertainty in your faith that God even hears your cries? Listen to Psalm 55:17, “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.” Intimacy – the Lord has designed it to last all day long! Do we enjoy it all day long?

2. The Lord preserves the simple. WHEN? (v. 6)

The psalmist recognizes that he cannot fake his walk with the Lord. His walk is not to be high-minded but, literally simple or “simplehearted.” Let’s look at the many times when the psalmist saw God’s preserving hand:

A. Tough times (v.3). You and I may not face too many “death defying” issues too often. Those are the toughest of times. The times which, as the psalmist writes, “entangle” him. He feels strangled, wondering “WHEN will this end?” Isn’t it refreshing the open honesty of this writer?
But “tough times” don’t necessarily have to be “death defying”, do they? They can also be those times when you are awaiting the proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel” and that light seems to never come. You’ve been there. I’ve been there. Tough times. “I was overcome by trouble and sorrow,” he writes. Isn’t it nice to know that we are not alone in the things that come our way?

B. When the soul is low (v. 4). Closely related to verse 3 is when the soul is low. How low? It is so low that he calls out to the Lord for deliverance! “Lord save me!”
Aren’t you glad that books like “Jonah” are in the Good Book? Listen to the opening words of Jonah 2. These are Jonah’s recordings of his wrestling with the Lord after being swallowed by the great fish. He wrote, (vs. 1-4), “Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the fish’s belly. And he said:
“I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answered me.
“Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and You heard my voice. For You cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the floods surrounded me; All Your billows and Your waves passed over me. Then I said, ‘I have been cast out of Your sight; Yet I will look again toward Your holy temple.’”
These are the written recordings of when the soul is low. Now I don’t think too many of us will find ourselves in the belly of another great fish prepared by the Lord for you or me. But the situations of life may feel that way.
And it is then when the Lord preserves the simple!

C. When God’s grace, righteousness, and compassion are on display (v. 5)
Have you ever read Ephesians 3:10? It reads, “ to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places”. Wasn’t that great? OK, so I’ve taken it out of context. Let’s listen to it from The Message, “Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!”
So when are God’s grace, righteousness, and compassion on display? When the angels look down on us. What are they thinking when they see us? Well, they know that they have been redeemed for eternity. The good angels will always belong to the Heavenly Father. Always. They did not have to pay for that ownership. They were given it by choice, when they chose to follow Him rather than the devil when he fell from heaven.
But they remember what we were like before we came to the cross! They remember what we were like before we trusted Jesus as Savior! And they look at us as we sit in our churches and offer praise to the living Lord. And they marvel, perhaps thinking, “HOW could the Lord have done that with creatures who were without God and without hope? HOW?”
God’s grace, righteousness, and compassion are on display though us every day. Wow. The Lord preserves the simple, and puts us on display!

3. The Lord keeps the soul at rest (v. 7)

Remember the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 11:28? He said, “Come unto Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
I like this verse. It tells me to “come to Jesus”. It says to come and find that He alone is worthy of my eternal as well as my daily trust. He is worthy of my eternal trust, for He alone was qualified to die for my sins at Calvary. He is the only sinless Savior. There is no other. He is worthy of my daily trust, for He is the Good Shepherd! He doesn’t say, “come to My Church” or “come to My religion.” He says, “come to Me.” The Lord keeps the soul at rest.
And when the Lord gives the soul rest, the psalmist says that His bounty is on display! He has been good to us!
And in giving the soul rest, the Lord gives daily deliverance to walk before Him in the land of the living! Look at verses 8-9. The Lord loves to deliver His children: from death, from tears, from stumbling, all so that we may walk with Him right where He has wisely placed us.
But He gives rest in one more area. Look at the classic verse 15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” Perhaps you’ve heard this quoted at a funeral. How on earth can the psalmist combine the two words “precious” and “death”? Because the psalmist is looking by faith at what the one who has passed away is now looking at by sight! The psalmist is seeing by faith that the promises of God have come true to the one whose soul has found rest in the Lord alone.
Have you found that eternal rest? Have you found that daily rest?


So what does a “sacrifice of thanksgiving” look like?
Permit me to close with the reading of a portion of a recent thanksgiving encouragement sent by Dr. Michael Peck:
““Do you think we’ve remembered everything?” Dustin asked his exhausted wife. “I don’t know, but it is too late now to worry about it!” Liz replied. The family was flying across the country to be with Dusty’s family for the Thanksgiving holiday. “You know, Honey,” Liz said quietly, “after all the extra hours you crammed into your work so that you would be able to get away for a few days, after all the expenses to make the trip, after the late night packing and the early morning rising, knowing the lines at the airport, going through security, and everything else, I am not feeling so very thankful at the minute.” Just then Liz’s phone dinged, so she silently read it. “It’s a text from your mom. Let me read it to us. ‘Dusty and Liz, it’s the middle of the night still here. I am crying as I text. I am coming before His presence with thanksgiving and making a joyful noise unto Him. Giving great thanksgiving because in five hours I will get to hug my grandchildren and you folks, too. I am such a thankful Grandma. Love you.’”
THAT is a sacrifice of thanksgiving! When a Grandma looks “outside the box”, the circumstances of all the effort, and sees the Lord’s hand of grace, righteousness, and compassion on display through the events of her life.
THAT is a sacrifice of thanksgiving! When a family comes to realize what true thanksgiving really looks like.
THAT is a sacrifice of thanksgiving! When you and I say, “Father, I am unworthy of Your kindnesses toward me. I return to you what You have given to me. I return to you my thanks.”
Have you remembered “the sacrifice of thanksgiving” this Thanksgiving? It begins at the cross. It continues every day in a living walk with the living Lord. And it will continue one day when we are preciously in His presence!
Have you offered “the sacrifice of thanksgiving” today?

Close in prayer

Pastor Jeremy and Thuvia Stopford