Week Thirty-Nine, 2018


By John Grant

Evil words destroy one’s friends; wise discernment rescues the godly” (Proverbs 11:9).

Words can be miraculous. Emily Dickinson said: “I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word.”

Words dominate our culture. From the president’s speeches and tweets to congressional laws to judicial rulings, words define and govern our democracy. Not a day goes by when someone’s words do not make headlines, for good or for bad.

Words can be miraculous. God used them to create the universe (Genesis 1). Jesus is “the Word” of God (John 1:1). The Bible contains “…the word of our God” (Isaiah 40:8).

You were affected by words today. All words are powerful. St. Augustine: “When I think about what I am going to say, the word or message is already in my heart. So that the word already in my heart may find its place also in yours, I use my voice to speak to you. The sound of my voice brings the meaning of the word to you and then the voice passes away. The word which the voice has brought to you is now in your heart, yet it still is also in mine.”

God’s words are especially powerful. Jesus assured us that “…heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Matthew 24:35). Scripture testifies “…every word of God proves true (Proverbs 30:5).

Words are important. Words are one of the essential tools individuals use to communicate. … Well-timed words mean the difference between being hopeful and supportive or judgmental and condescending. Think about your own experiences in your work life.

We not only speak words, but our facial expressions and tone of speech communicate them as well. All the more reason to be careful in this technological age, where the written word alone can so easily be misinterpreted.

But, there is no more important words than those that come from the Scriptures. Read them prayerfully and use them carefully.

Now the same Spirit who inspired the word of God (2 Peter 1:21) is ready to speak through us today. We need his guidance for our words. Seek God’s advice first and speak second.




An American author and minister, Marshall Hayden, wrote an article several years ago with the intriguing title, “Would Every Non-Hurter Please Stand Up?”

Hayden observed that people come to church services and seem fine. They put on their best smile. Wear their best clothes. And look happy. Yet, he pointed out that we need to look beyond the facade and below the surface to realize that our pews are full of hurting people.

He wrote, “Over here is a family with an income of $550 a week & expenses of nearly $800. Over there is a family with two children who, according to their dad, are failures. ‘You’re stupid. You never do anything right,’ he is constantly telling them that. The lady over there found a lump that tested positive.

“There’s a couple who just had a nasty fight. Each is thinking of divorce. Last Monday one man learned that he was being laid off. And there is a wife who has tried her best to cover the bruises her drunken husband inflicted when he came home Friday night.

“Then there are those of us with lesser hurts, but they don’t seem so small to us: a boring job, a poor grade, a friend or parent who is unresponsive …on & on the stories go. The lonely, the dying, the discouraged, they’re all here.

“It reminds us that the problems of fear, fatigue, frustration, and failure are the common lot of all people. Christians are not exempt. Add to that the burden of guilt. Shame. Regret. And remorse. What a heavy burden to bear!

“Do this for Jesus who is crazy about you. He loves you and is cheering you on. He is leaning in to see how you are going to respond to this challenge. You are his child. He wants you to win. No doubt he will bless and reward you as you step out, but I challenge you to do this for Jesus simply because you love him. Do this not because of what he will do for you, (and he will) but because he is the Lord of your life, the Master of your soul, the strength when you are weak, the hope when you feel hopeless, the rock when you feel unstable, and the shield when difficulty surrounds you. Do it simply because of who he is, not because of what he can and will do.” Chris Sonksen from his great book, “Quit Church.”



“Rather than rehearse the chaos of the world, rejoice in the Lord’s Sovereignty, as Paul did.” —Max Lucado

“Christians are to ‘resist the devil’ in our personal lives, but also in our public witness. We are called to stand for biblical truth, not because we are moral policemen, but because we care about those who are victimized by our fallen culture.” —Jim Denison

“What you have in Christ is greater than anything you don’t have in life.” —Max Lucado

“Jesus’ invitation is for you. Regardless of where you are spiritually or emotionally. Hear and heed His compassionate call, “Come unto Me.” —Ken Weliever

“Psychologists have long known that the way we talk to ourselves is a crucial component of our emotional well-being. Self-affirmation helps us stand up to outside threats, persevere in difficult times, and face health problems more positively. By contrast, negative self-talk is significantly correlated with depression.” —Jim Denison


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©2018 John Grant | Florida State Senator (Ret.) | 10025 Orange Grove Drive | Tampa, FL 33618