“Sink, swim—or walk!” (Matthew 14:22-33)

First Baptist Church, Earlville, NY
Rev. Jeremy Stopford, Pastor

“SINK, SWIM – OR WALK!” (Matt. 14:22-33)
Aug. 20, 2017 10:30 AM

TODAY’S SPECIAL: “A Worry Funny”

Two kids are talking to each other. One says, “I’m really worried. My dad works twelve hours a day to give me a nice home and good food. My mom spends the whole day cleaning and cooking for me. I’m worried sick!”
The other kid says, “What have you got to worry about? Sounds to me like you’ve got it made!”
The first kid says, “What if they try to escape?”


One of the more familiar – if not apart from the birth, death, burial and resurrection of the Savior – the most familiar story in Scriptures. A simple story (recount it). “During the fourth watch” [no, not Timex, Pulsar, Omega, nor Seiko!]. The Roman accounting of time which the Jews had adapted: there usually were watchmen at their posts throughout the night to protect the city. The 4th watch was between 3-6 am. The disciples had rowed throughout the night about 3 1/2 miles. Yet mingled throughout the story of “Peter Walking On the Water” are several key words that should prick our hearts, and, better, prod our faith. PRAYER

1.   “Immediately”

The Spirit of God Who inspires God’s Word purposefully weaves words where He wants them. “Immediately” = “the change of life, the challenges of life, the aligning of one’s life to the eternal purposes of God. How do I know that?
Look at Use #1 (v. 22) That takes us back to v. 15 (disciples say, “send them away”). Why were they there? V. 13 “Jesus heard what happened.” What happened? V. 1ff Matthew recounts the beheading of John the Baptist, and Jesus knows the disciples need, what? REST! So v. 22. NOW (a) WHO purposes that the disciples get into the boat? JESUS – aligning their lives! (b) THEN what does it say – NOW He sends the crowd home, WARM AND FED.
Look at Use #2 (v. 27). Jesus says 3 things: Take courage. It is I. Fear not. He SAYS. And He speaks to us today in His Word. How much is His word a part of your life?
Look at Use #3 (v. 31). WHEN did Jesus reach out His hand? When Peter was sinking. When Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and put them on the storm. Hmm. Sounds like a DEEP lesson here about faith! Do we really appreciate just how wonderful our Savior is?

2.    2 words together: “IF” “Come” (vs. 28-29)

The first, “IF” is a word of faith and doubt mingled together. But it also is a word of acknowledging where I am. I am at a crossroads. Jesus presents Himself as worthy of my trust. Do I really trust Him? “IF you’re the Son of God, come down from the cross”. Was that TRUST or TAUNTING? We sometimes taunt Jesus and not TRUST Him! How? When we say, “IF you are really Who you say You are, I DEMAND You take care of this right now.” Peter was at a crossroads between demand and trust. He chose the latter.
The second, “COME”. By now you know that this is one of the greatest invites in Scriptures. “COME unto Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you REST.” COME into the ark and find refuge. COME to the living waters. COME.
IF You are Who You say You are, tell me to COME. “COME”!

3.    SAW (v. 30)

In describing being focused on heaven while living for Jesus on earth, Paul told the Corinthian believers, “we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5:7)
Peter walked by FAITH when he stepped out of the boat and walked, keeping his eyes on Jesus.
Peter walked by SIGHT when he SAW the waters and took his eyes off of Jesus.
But it doesn’t stop there: Look at vs. 32-33. Those in the boat had SEEN the entire incident, and they did what? WALKED BY FAITH – worshipped Jesus. HERE’S A GOOD QUESTION: why did they worship Jesus? Because they saw Jesus on display through Peter. Who is looking at you, at me today to see Jesus on display? Who will trust Him because of our walk by faith and not by sight?


SINK, SWIM – OR WALK. Our choices in life are one of 3. That’s it.

Choice #1: We can SINK.

We can take our eyes off of the Lord Jesus and look around us at the waters coming our way. But when we do, remember this: those waters are there for everyone. They are no different.

Choice #2: We can SWIM.

What does this mean? This wasn’t in the story, you say! It means, we live as if God doesn’t even exist. We live like everyone else. The storm hits – we either make it or we don’t. But we swim in hopes that we’ll make it. And who gets all the attention? YOU DO. What about God – as far as you are concerned, He can swim or sink, too. You say you know Him, but you live as if He doesn’t exist.

Choice #3: We can… WALK!

Remember, Peter DID walk! And he remembered that for the rest of his life. The details are the same – the waves were rough. It was the middle of the night, no daylight, no help visible except…he knew, he just KNEW, that Jesus was right in front of him. And he was able to walk through the storm…as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus. Wow. 3 choices. That’s it.