Acts 6:1-7
Rev. Jeremy B. Stopford, Pastor

TODAY’S SPECIAL: “A Super Bowl Funny”

A woman had 50 yard line tickets for the Super Bowl. As she sat down, a man came along and asked  her if anyone is sitting in the seat next to her. “No,” she said, “the seat is empty.”
“This is incredible,” said the man. “Who in their  right mind would have a seat like this for the Super Bowl, the biggest sporting event in the world, and not use it?”
Somberly, the woman  says, “Well… the seat actually belongs to me. I was supposed to come here with my husband, but he passed away. This is the first Super Bowl we have not been to together since we got married in 1967.”
“Oh I’m sorry to hear that, that’s terrible. But couldn’t you find someone else – a friend  or relative, or even a neighbor to take the seat?”
The woman shakes her head, “No, they’re all at the funeral.”


This is an interesting question: “what is a servant of God?” And perhaps an understandable follow-up, “where does a servant of God come from?” In our text in Acts 6, the newly-formed, Spirit anointed church is at a crossroads. It has a problem, and the leadership needs help. PRAYER


1. The first church recognized the work of ministry – these verses showed servants coming from..the people!
2. This is the pattern of Ephesians 4:11-13 – leadership training the people to do the work of the ministry
3. Illus. Rev. Dr. Ken Beres passed away this week. Almost 7 years ago on his Facebook page he wrote, “Hello, everyone… I am a member of the clergy who just happens to be a die-hard Moxie aficionado… Earlier this week I celebrated communion with a can of Moxie and graham crackers… Y’all should try it sometime!” I think I would have liked him! When interviewed 9 years ago about receiving his doctorate at age 49, he said these wise words: “One of the things that I focus on is the value of mentoring in ministry and in leadership of the church. I try to instill in the people of my congregation that they’re each in ministry, that ministry isn’t limited to the guy who stands in the pulpit and wears the big robe and preaches the big sermon. Ministry is also the person who takes a home cooked meal to their neighbor or who helps their neighbor by shoveling out their walkway.” Spot on!


1. Note that there are only – get this – TWO qualifications for a true servant of the Lord: “full of the Spirit and wisdom”
2. Why just two? There are other passages on the qualifications of deacons. But the key word here is servant. It might not be a position in the church (although it might be an office). Rather, a servant is a person of godly character ministering with the gifts God has given him or her, and where God has wisely planted him or her.
3. “Full of the Spirit” – a complete reliance on the operation of the Spirit of God to do the work which God has designed for you to do. We could go into an extended study in the Spirit of God – and maybe some day we will. But for now it is sufficient to know that God’s Spirit is operating in you. And all He desires is your…SURRENDER to Him. Daily. Moment by moment.


I was asked to officiate a “Celebration of Life” service yesterday. Before Friday, I didn’t even know that the deceased was one of my neighbors, although I’ve known him by his nickname for years. The Spirit of God is allowed to orchestrate the details of our lives for the glory of the Lord Jesus, even at a moment’s notice. Can we yield to such a wise Holy Spirit?
4. “Full of wisdom” Notice the Word doesn’t say full of “SMARTS”. True wisdom comes from a daily stillness, quietness before the Word of God. PERIOD. There is no other source of true wisdom. NONE! To be an effective leader, you must be one who is walking daily with the Lord.


Just a quick note on what is said in verse 4. There is no doubt from what we read in the gospels and through the rest of the book of Acts: the original disciples served with MORE than just “prayer and the ministry of the word.” But that was the core of their accountability. And the follow up is that those who weren’t ministering as such were blessed by God and happy to be used where the Lord had wisely put them.
God’s work has no “favorites” nor “levels of accomplishment”. There is only ONE standard for God’s work. Do you know what it is? 1 Cor. 4:1-2: “So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove… FAITHFUL.”
Faithfulness is the only standard. Day in, day out, plug along. God’s servants – regardless where God places them – must be FAITHFUL!


The conclusion comes appropriately in verse 7. There was a widespread influence of the church, and the number of those who served increased as well. Yes, the numbers increased. That will come when the principle is met: “whatever you so, you will reap”. If we sow much, we will reap much. And God gives the increase! Wow.
So, are you a child of the King? IF SO, God has called you to be a servant of God! He desires your SURRENDER to the operation of the Spirit of God in your life. And He desires your daily walk with the Lord. That’s it!


May the Lord give grace where He has wisely planted each of us in our exciting ministry here in Earlville.

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