TEXT: I Corinthians 15:12-22
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is the central miracle of the Bible. There is no doubt that the virgin birth of our Lord is a monumental miracle. Miracles confirmed his deity throughout his short three years of ministry. This included turning water into wine, raising the dead, healing the sick, casting out demons, multiplying a school boy’s lunch to feed a multitude, walking on water and silencing a raging tempest on the sea. But, if after all this, despite his prophetic word that he would rise from the dead, if he should remain lifeless in the tomb the rest would be only a footnote in history.
Jesus died on the cross. There is no doubt about that. He was buried in a tomb. The record supports that. The religious leaders knew that Jesus said he would rise in three days. In order to circumvent any mischief from his disciples to steal his body away, and fabricate a story of resurrection, they insisted that the tomb be sealed and a Roman guard be posted under the tightest possible security. Their request was granted. And, the bereaved loved ones mourned his death.
Think of it! The heavenly host of angels, seraphim and cherubim had sung his praise. But now, he was dead. They wore black armbands and had no song to sing. Heaven was silent.
Now Jesus didn’t need an alarm clock to wake him up! Suddenly the silent angels saw a ripple life flow through those grave clothes. The Son of God rose in power and majesty and the angels sang again. He had risen from the dead, never to die again! “Death could not keep its prey, Jesus my Savior, He tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord! Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes. He arose the victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever with his saints to reign. He Arose! He Arose! Hallelujah; Christ arose!
An angel had smitten the guards and they, overwhelmed with fear, were as dead men. When they recovered from their stupor, the tomb was empty. They were shocked to see that the stone sealed by Rome was compromised and the stone was rolled back. They were facing court martial for dereliction of duty. When they reported these matters the chief priests, they were paid off to say that while they were sleeping, Jesus body was stolen. The chief priests then promised to bribe the senior officers to let the guards off the hook. This is the lie that was circulated around the city. Not one bit of this conspiracy worked. Evidence mounted that Jesus Christ had indeed risen from the dead.
In the text, the Apostle Paul recounts those who had seen him in his risen state. He was seen by Cephas. He then was seen by the twelve. He was seen by more than five hundred at once. He was seen by James and then by all of the apostles. Special attention was given that Peter should see him. Thomas would not believe until he could place his hands in the scars on his side and in the nail prints of his hands. Last of all, Saul of Tarsus the great persecutor of the church, saw the risen Lord as he was smitten by his divine presence on the Damascus Road.
Simon Peter was the blunderbuss. It is true that when Jesus asked the disciples whom they thought he was, Peter had the right answer. “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God”. Yet in the same chapter when Peter took offense at the thought of Jesus dying, the Lord rebuked him, saying to him, “Get thou behind me Satan”. Peter promised that though all else would fail Jesus, he would give his life for him. He drew a sword and severed the ear of the servant of the high priest when Jesus was arrested. He was a better fisherman than a swordsman. He went for the head and only got the ear. The last miracle of healing on earth by the tender hands of Jesus was made necessary by the act of a bungling disciple. Jesus healed the servant, restoring his ear.
Still filled with bravado, Peter must have been shaken when Jesus said, “Before the rooster crows’ tomorrow morning, you will have denied me three times.” As Jesus was being led away to his appointed cross, Peter warmed himself at a strange fire. Three times when challenged Peter denied he knew Jesus and in the final denial, sealed it with a curse. Just then, the roosted crowed and Peter ran for cover.
The risen Christ gave special instructions to summon Peter. He would restore him in a most remarkable way. Peter the denier became Peter the proclaimer. On the day of Pentecost he was the spokesman for the new believers now filled with the Holy Spirit. As he preached, giving the first altar call of the New Testament church, 3,000 were converted.
Believe me, Peter would never have returned if the resurrection was but a fabrication. Nothing but the reality of this miracle would have turned him around. It is absurd to think anything would have turned him around other than Jesus resurrection from the dead. It had to be proof positive for the apostles and others to risk their lives. Men will die for convictions. They will not die for a concoction! They will die for a faith. They will not die for a fable. They will die for a mission. They will not die for a myth!
Look at this clearly. If the resurrection of Christ was a hoax, never happening, where would we stand today? The Apostle Paul clearly tells us in the text.
Our preaching would be empty, in vain, just worthless speech.
Your faith would be empty, in vain. It would have no substance, no fact.
We would be false witnesses, promulgating a lie.
We would still be in our sins. What a deplorable state!
Our faith would be futile.
All who fallen before us will have perished. They would have believed a fairy tale!
We would have no hope of resurrection ourselves.
We would of all men be most pitiable, most miserable. Such would be the case if Jesus did not rise from the dead!
Adam got us into the grave; Jesus got us out of the grave.
In Adam came our ruin. In Jesus came our redemption.
Adam put us in a hole in the ground. Jesus lifts us though a hole in the sky.
Adam’s sin took men to Hell. Jesus love takes us to Heaven.
I refuse to accept a perversion of gospel truth. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. I have no doubt of it! I close by repeating a previously stated position.
“Men will die for a conviction. They will not die for a concoction. They will die for a faith. They will not die for a fable. They will die for a mission. They will not die for a myth.”
This is not fake news. Jesus resurrection from the dead is the real deal.
This message delivered by
The Reverend Almon Bartholomew
Retired pastor Almon Bartholomew, with wife Joyce.