Week Thirty-Seven, 2024

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The late Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant was one of the best players in professional basketball. His workout regimen was legendary and his dedication to the fundamentals of the sport was uncompromising.

The story is told that Nike sent Alan Stein, Jr. to witness one of Bryant’s workouts. When he arrived at 4:00 am, Kobe was already dripping with sweat with a warmup before the workout. For the next 45 minutes Stein watch Bryant work on basic basketball drills.

Later Stein, who admitted he became bored just watching Bryant’s routine, asked the star of 5 championship teams and many individual awards, why he spent so much time on simple, basic drills? Kobe’s response was golden.

“Why do you think I’m the best player in the world? Because I never ever get bored with the basics.”

The basic beliefs of Christianity include:

There is one true and living Almighty God. He created and sustains everything in the universe. He is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

Christians recognize Jesus as the Son of God who was sent to save mankind from death and sin. Jesus Christ taught that he was Son of God. His teachings can be summarized, briefly as the love of God and love of one’s neighbor. Jesus said that he had come to fulfill God’s law rather than teach it.

The basic fundamentals of the Christian faith are briefly: (1) the inerrancy of the Scriptures, (2) the deity of Christ, (3) His virgin birth, (4) His substitutionary atonement, and (5) His physical resurrection and future bodily return.

The problem with many churches and denominations today is that they have wandered away from the basics and fundamentals of the faith. It was significantly diminished the impact of the church on our society. Why?

The church has much less impact on society today because society has had too much impact on the church. Are you focusing on the basics and fundamentals of the Bible or are you just along for the game?

Sometimes True Stories

In a consumption-based economy, we are conditioned to be consumers who choose what we want now over what we want most. In a post-Christian culture, we are conditioned to be existentialists who choose what we want in this world over what we will want in the next.

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There once was a reality show called “Extreme Makeover”. Someone who was not societies idea of beautiful would have all sorts of procedures. It could involve a diet, face lift, dental work, Botox, hair and makeup, and the latest in fashion. Family would come to see the “after” person and be amazed at the change. And all was done because they were dissatisfied with how they looked.

It was all about the exterior, when the truth is, we are really more dissatisfied with our inner sinful self. We know that all the exterior changes could not change the inside. Only Jesus Christ can do that. And it’s permanent….. long after the new hair and makeup fade away.

It gets better. The change Jesus brings carries into eternity. We will trade our sinful, corruptible self for the sinless, incorruptible self. Become that “after” person by trusting Jesus today.

You’ll be amazed. Rich Jensen

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The two most important questions you can ask:

1. Do you trust God?

2. Can God be trusted?

Quotes You Can Use

A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody. Novalis

One small thought in the morning can change your whole day.

God doesn’t send anyone to hell. He just honors their choice.

Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who prevent history being taught fully intend to repeat it.

It is frightful that people who are so ignorant should have so much influence. George Orwell

The worst thing about stolen passwords is having to rename your dog.

Be thankful for the difficult people in your life, for they have shown you what you do not want to be.

Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. Bertrand Russell

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in a large group. George Carlin

Silence is the best way to reply to a fool.

A mistake repeated more than once is a choice. Paulo Coehlo

Never argue with someone whose TV is bigger than their bookshelf. Emilia Clarke

Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says everything about them.

Do you know that butterflies rest when it rains because it damages their wings? It’s okay to rest during the storms of life. You will always fly again once it’s over.

When asked if a cup is half full or half empty, just be thankful that you have a cup.

You don’t stop having fun when you get old, you get old when you stop having fun.

Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are. Your reputation is who people think you are. John Wooden


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