Week Forty-One, 2024

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

I wonder how many of us find ourselves a bit confused and anxious in the midst of the rhetoric of the election season in our nation. Hoping we will embrace once again our nation’s values, foundational beliefs, and heritage aligned with the God who ordained and blessed the founding of America. Wondering who to vote for, and will it make a difference.

Where will we find an answer? Where will we find peace? Church attendance has dropped significantly. The percentage of those who claim to be Christians continues to dramatically decline. Why?

You wonder if the church today is the church which Jesus Christ envisioned when He laid the foundation on Peter? Or has the world infiltrated it, and made the church its own, following the “word” of the world, rather than the “Word” of God.

How many of us today find ourselves at the end of relationships, careers, resources, and hope, unable to believe in a path forward. Feeling all alone. Empty and without direction. Wondering where to turn. Where hope can be found. Turning instead to the loud voices and noise of the world around us. Hoping we will find the answer there. Answers, if any, which are at best a stop-gap remedy, yet often moving us further from where we should be. Band-aids which won’t stem the leeching of Godly values from our minds, hearts, lives, and future generations.

But then we hear Christ’s words to Thomas and the other disciples “I am the Way—yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of Me.” And the words of God to us in II Chronicles 7:14 “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

The words of the song “Running Home” by Cochren & Co, also makes the point for us, as they share “It’s been a long time running down a dead-end road, Lookin’ for that something that could fill my soul. Never found what I was searching for. It’s been a long time running from a messed-up past. But you can’t go forward when you’re lookin’ back. But I ain’t looking back anymore. He called my name, and He stole my shame.

Everything changed when I came Running Home. Out of the dark, into His arms. No more running away, I’m Running Home…And when I see that smile on my Savior’s face, I won’t be walking, I’ll be Running Home.”

Only one remedy. Only one answer. Only one Way to turn. To…Only one Voice. All leading to one lasting, eternally life-changing Peace and Hope in Christ. In one eternally God-ordained and surrendered life.

Only one Way. To our one Eternal Home. Whether you are lonely, sorrowful, burdened or suffering, Christ is the answer. Christ is the Way. Scott Whitaker

Sometimes True Stories

A society as secularized as ours should not be shocked by the mental health crisis our teenagers are experiencing, a worsening epidemic of distress tied to political turmoil and social isolation. Or by our declining birth rate due in large part to a loss of meaning, prompting many young adults to forego childbearing. Jim Denison

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Amid the political fervor of our day, here’s a different approach: Omena, a small town in northern Michigan, just elected a horse as their mayor. This is news because the office has only been held by a dog in the past, except for one time when a cat won the election.

One resident explained their political culture: “All politics are stupid. But at least we’re having fun with it, and we’re still friends at the end of the day.”

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A scoffer is one who speaks contemptuously or with derision. Whenever you speak the truth, especially that Truth found in God’s Word, they will deny it and say whatever contradicts it and makes them look or feel good. They are on opinion shows (true news is rare). They are in our workplace. They are in our schools. They are in the halls of government. Indeed, they are everywhere.

Take heart. Although they are running rampant these days, they will one day be silenced by the Truth. In the meantime, always be ready to give a defense for the hope in you, but with kindness and respect. (I Peter 3:15) Truth will free you. (John 8:32) The Truth of God’s Word will not return void. (Isaiah 55:11)

Ignore the scoffers. Truth wins. Rich Jensen

Quotes You Can Use

If Paul saw the church today, we would be getting a letter!!!

Faithful obedience is immediate obedience, and faithful obedience is total obedience.

The proper response to God’s covenant faithfulness is our faithful obedience. Tommy Campbell

In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit. Anne Frank

The loss of day not lived in full is time irretrievably lost. Paul Lipton

Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

God desires that our lives be a vessel to contain the Spirit of God, and that we would then channel God’s Spirit to a thirsty world around us. Dan Shock

Think of it: the God of the universe loves you as much as He loves His own Son. Jim Denison

Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level. Peter Drucker

Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. Maya Angelou

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark and professionals built the Titanic.


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