On-Site in Israel…


—Recently I spoke with a man for the very first time who was inquiring about a trip to Israel, and during our conversation he asked me if it’s safe to travel there. For good reason this is a topic that has come up repeatedly in my conversations with those contemplating a trip, even before the war. Well, there’s good news! After extensive, security-risk assessments many airlines have already resumed flights to Israel this year, and many more have plans to do so within the next couple of months. The airlines have concluded that it’s safe, though, of course, no one can guarantee your complete safety. Even so, here are the things I’ve been telling folks for years about Israel.

—First, Israel is a modern country with a highly-visible security presence. In the area of Jerusalem, for example, where we spend the majority of our time, there is very little street crime. Granted we do visit some areas where pickpocketers roam, but I alert our group members in advance, and members of the local police force are predictably stationed in high volume areas to protect tourists. It’s also quite common to find yourself standing behind an armed soldier or two of the Israel Defense Force in line at McDonald’s or at a coffee shop just living life, which personally makes me feel very safe.

—Second, though political agendas, religions and ethnicities differ widely across Israel, they all have one thing in common. They want to sell you something to feed their family, making them rather welcoming to tourists (though sometimes a bit annoying) no matter where you travel.

—Third, as I often say, there are likely places in your own hometown that you avoid after dark. Obviously, Israel has those places as well, so we just don’t go there.

—Fourth, I had a missionary once tell me that you’d be safer in the middle of a civil war in his country inside the will of God than at home on your couch outside the will of God. The same is true for Israel. If you believe that God has called you to go, then go. He holds you in his hands!

—Lastly, I always ask group members upon their return home if they ever felt unsafe while in Israel, and people have always said that they felt perfectly safe.

—I hope that helps and let us know when you’re ready to go.

—Daniel McCabe