“HOLY COMMUNION, BATMAN!” (John 10:22-30)

FBC Earlville October 30, 2011  10:30 AM
Rev. J.B. Stopford, Pastor

While Pastor Jeremy is away on vacation, he thought it would be good to post one of his favorite messages of the past 10 years. So here goes today’s version of Pastor Jeremy’s “Retro Sunday”!

Today’s “Special”

Golf Funny”  The hacker hit the ball into the rough and landed on an anthill.  He tried three times to hit the ball and each time he missed the ball and hit the anthill.  Ants went flying all over the place.
One ant turned to the other ant and said, “If we are going to survive, we had better get on the ball.”


This message is the last in our series on the Biblical topic of “following” Jesus.  Whether it is watching what He does, or leaving everything and submitting our whole lives to Him,  Jesus wants us to follow Him.
Our text today shows the fellowship to which we are invited to enjoy with God.  The old salts called this “Communion.” Observe how it connects with “follow”  (v.27).


#1 True Sheep Commune with Deity (vs. 22-25)

Jesus says (v. 25) that what He does He does through His Father.  And if we are following Him, in essence, so are we.  That is fellowship!
How would you respond if you knew that to fellowship with God is an invitation personally from Him to you?
Revelation 3:20; Matthew 11:28-30.

ILLUSTRATION:  Martin Luther – today marks the anniversary of the start of the Reformation.  Martin Luther is famous for many things, but especially for his private walk with the Lord.  He once commented, “I have so much to do today that I need to spend at least 4 hours in prayer before I do anything.”  Do we understand “communion with God” in the same manner Martin Luther did?

#2  True Sheep Commune with True Sheep (vs. 26)

This is a brutal accusation.  I’m glad I wasn’t at the receiving end of that accusation, aren’t you?
So… what are some indications that true sheep are truly communing as God has newly created them to do?
1 John 1:5-9  There will be a consciousness of walking in light.
Acts 2:42-47  There will be a hunger to be identified with God’s people.

#3   True Sheep Commune with Only One Shepherd (vs. 27)

Vs. 3-5  The sheep hear only the Shepherd’s voice  “they are familiar with His voice” (Message)
ILLUSTRATION:  3 flocks of sheep – whose voice do they hear?  Phillip Keller, a shepherd turned pastor, once told the story of coming up on a stone fenced-in area with many sheep within the walled in area.  At the “gate” or entrance by the walls were 3 men.  They were each shepherds.  The first shepherd called out, and a good number of the sheep perked up and followed him out.  Then the second shepherd called out, and another group of sheep followed him.  Finally all were left were a small herd of sheep and the third shepherd.  The sheep even then did not move until the shepherd called out to them in his all too familiar voice.  All 3 groups of sheep were familiar only with their shepherd’s unique voice.
Any other voice – any other shepherd – is a THIEF!  He wants to steal you from following the true Shepherd! (vs. 8-10) – only He gives “abundant life”!

Vs. 11-14 The true Shepherd gives His life for the Sheep!
“Chicken  Funny”:  So a gentleman walks into a restaurant and asks the maitre d’, “Can you please tell me how you prepare your chicken?” To which the maitre d’ replies, “Yes. We let them know right up front they’re not going to make it.”
*  The true shepherd is focused on giving His life for His sheep.
Commune with the One Who is the Source of true communion!


It’s exam time!
Have you responded to the Savior’s invite to commune with Him?
Do you hunger to commune with God’s people?
Are you familiar with communing with the Savior’s voice?  In Scripture?  In His house?  Where He takes you in your journey?