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Bits and pieces

Fifty years ago, this month, I was a candidate for the New York State Senate in what was then the 98th Senatorial District—Dutchess and Ulster Counties.

Senate-Billboard, 500 px

It was at that time that I was made to realize that our world will never be saved by politicians, or for that matter, those in any other field of endeavor…even preachers.

One command of the Lord stands out in my mind today: “Work while it is yet day, for the night comes when no man (or woman) can work.”

I lost track of that command several times over the past 50 years, and now I am once again led to focus my experiences and understanding on this business of reaching the lost and edifying the found.

I’ve become convinced that—because each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made, and that we are amazingly unique—that our approach to achieving God’s will for our individual lives must also be unique.

That requires more “knee time” than we are generally willing to invest, and a lot of “to thine own self,” oops! “to thine own God, be true.” We each need the Lord to show us the way.

In my case, it requires that I do not compare myself with others, or even consider what the giants of the faith might have accomplished through the ages. God did not call me to be a “giant,” but a “servant,” to simply labor faithfully in my own little corner of the vineyard, and never to compare my methods or to measure my success against those of others.

In all cases, I’m to do the best I can with what I have, wherever I am, trusting the Lord to take me where I ought to go.

Right now, it’s writing these books about CC, with the prayer that somewhere down the line, they might fall into the hands of a few who will read them, and by the grace of God, find “life” in Jesus Christ.

Houston flooding

If my readers are helped to appreciate the dangers of this present evil world, and are encouraged to prepare for these dangers, and are also made aware of their individual responsibility to touch the hearts and minds of others with the truths of God, then I can ask no more.

I think that’s all the Lord expects of me…

What about you?

“A Morning Prayer”

Most of us would like to have a “hitherto hath the Lord helped us,” bible-based, supernatural experience to look back on during times of discouragement. Perhaps sharing mine will encourage you.

It was 1970 and Joy and I were finishing our first semester at Northeast Bible College. Our daughter Sandra was five; Cheryl about three.

I was barely keeping up with the payments on our mobile home even though I was working a job evenings and weekends. As a result, Joy was sometimes typing legal depositions all night long in order to help out. I was a little depressed.

One evening, I ignored my studies and sat up late reading a simple little book called “Prison to Praise” by Merlin R. Carothers. I followed the author’s advice and went to bed that night obediently singing and praising God.

I awoke abruptly at 5 AM, with a song going ‘round and ‘round in my mind. It was totally unfamiliar, so I rose and in less than five minutes wrote down the verses that poured out. Such a thing may not seem remarkable to you, but I am not a poet. Yet all of the verses seemed to fall into perfect meter and even rhymed. (Joy would make fun of my penchant for rhymed verse; she preferred free verse, but she was startled that these words were written down in less than five minutes, as was I.)

The only change I ever made in the poem was to reverse the order of two of the lines. I learned that the words were “original, but the melody was not. The tune was from the old hymn, “The Church’s One Foundation.

Later that morning, while shopping in the college bookstore, I met the president’s wife, and told her of my unusual experience. She was so impressed with the testimony that she discussed it with others, and they arranged to have it sung in chapel the following week.

Perhaps it was coincidental, but that afternoon I received a cassette recording in the mail. It was an audio letter from my best friends apologizing that he had been unable to assist us in following God’s call to Bible college. He recounted how he’d set down a “fleece.” He had told the Lord that, if he received a raise in pay, he would send all but his tithe and the taxes to us. Nothing happened. After some time passed without an answer, he revised his fleece. He told the Lord that if the raise came before a certain date, he would use it toward our support. Otherwise, he would use it for another ministry. God answered prayer a few minutes before quitting time on the very last workday of the“fleece.”

As a result of their generosity, for the remaining two years at Northeast, this brother and his dear wife faithfully sent us $150 per month toward our expenses. That may not sound like much, but that was 1970, and the sum was equivalent to more than $1,500 per month in today’s dollars.

To illustrate, after we sold our mobile home, God blessed us with a rented house on about 10 acres overlooking the beautiful Green Lane Reservoir. We paid only $75 per month rent for that house. Today, rent on that same house would be at least $1,500. Although it was necessary for me to continue working a job, and though we had some lean times, God continued to meet our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

I called the song, “A Morning Prayer.” Here are the words that flowed through my heart that memorable morning:

Oh, precious Lord our Savior,
Be with us through this day;
and keep your hand upon us,
each thing we do and say.

For we are but your children
and need your guiding hand,
to keep us safely moving
through out this sin-filled land.

Your love is more than money,
your trust is more than fame,
your present help each morning
more precious than acclaim.

Our lives last but a moment,
our dreams are for a day,
we need you close beside us,
our help along the way.

This world is bent and broken,
it needs the word, yes you!
So help us Lord to start now
to win a soul for you.

To thy great list be added
a former sinner's name,
and thine shalt be the honor,
the glory and the fame.


Although there were certainly some skeptics that believed that the poem wasn’t original, and others that I spent a long time putting together a false testimony, it occurred exactly as I’ve written. Ordinarily I couldn’t write a line of poetry if my life depended on it.

This song is sort of a “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us,” a monument on our walk with God. When times get tough, it’s something that we can look back on to encourage us that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

In a sense, it may be a symbol for many of you as well, for you have been mightily blessed by God.

There is a lesson here, a lesson that is written in the pages of God’s Word: “The Lord inhabits the praises of His people.”

If things seem dark, escape your prison, as Paul and Silas did, by making a joyful noise unto the Lord.

©2011, 2016 Frank Becker


For my loyal readers…

If you have purchased the paperback versions of Book 1 and/or Book 2 in the series, The Chronicles of CC,” and you return them to me at your expense, I will replace them with new, revised and autographed versions at no charge to you.

Book 1, "War's Desolation"
Book 1, “War’s Desolation”
BOOK 2, "The Heav'n Rescued Land"
BOOK 2, “The Heav’n Rescued Land”

Yes, you will have to pay for shipping them to me, but I will pay for the new books as well as shipping them back to you.

Please address them to me at Greenbush Press.

Frank Becker, c/o Greenbush Press, 21518 Karpathos Ln, Spring, TX 77388-3262.

Your copy of Book 1 and/or Book 2 must arrive at Greenbush Press by June 15, 2016 to qualify. Please allow at least a month to get the new  autographed books back to you. We want to wait for as many as possible to arrive so that we can handle this in one major effort. I will be out of town much of July, so please make allowances for that as well.

Again, this offer of the revised, autographed copies of “War’s Desolation” and “The Heav’n Rescued Land,” is only for those who have already purchased the original paperback copies.

(If you have anything special that you would like written with the autograph, include it on an enclosed piece of paper. Make sure your return address is included on that sheet of paper, as your outer wrapping may be damaged in transit.)

This offer is unprecedented in the publishing industry, but it’s my way to thank all of you for your wonderful support and encouragement.

Col. 2:5,

Frank Becker

Man proposes but God disposes

Millions of people in the Houston area had plans for this week. Others would just go through the motions, their activities dictated by their commitments. Some would spend the bulk of their time in school or at work.


Not so! With an average of 7 1/2″ of rain falling over Harris Couny in one night, and prolonged thunderstorms, and even hailstorms and tornadoes striking the area—and it’s not over yet—the area is experiencing unprecedented flooding.

Many of the giant school districts in the area have been struck hard. Joy teaches in the Klein Independent School District — one of thousands of teachers employed there, and the entire system, 50,000 students, is closed for the fourth day.

More violent storms are sweeping in from the northwest this morning, and two reservoirs on the west side of Houston are at record levels, overflowing, the dams in danger of breaking.

Just the hailstorm alone caused over $1-billion in damage. The damage from flooding is widespread and unprecedented.

And now more damage and more lives are in danger.

Perhaps these “acts of God,” as the insurance companies once labeled them, will cause people to awaken spiritually. Perhaps not.

One thing is certain. Across America and around the world, countless numbers have turned away from their Christian beliefs and have become hedonistic, materialistic, and sensual. Others are turning to other religions, or to atheism.

It’s as though we are caught up in a great whirlpool of iLOVE, a tempest of lust, greed, and spiritual death. It’s difficult during such times not to imagine we might be in the last of the last times, where there is a great falling away.

The encouraging thing is that millions around the world, people caught up by terror and persecution, are searching for and finding the love of God in Christ.

Frank/April 21, 2016

Your Best Year Yet!

Take a big step toward the best year you’ve ever experienced.

Gold Bell

The Lord wouldn’t have commanded you to do this one thing if it weren’t possible for you to accomplish it.

If, however, it does sound too tough for you, a similar command would prove much simpler to achieve and still contribute to your best year yet.

But let’s look at the tough command first:

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. (Matthew 5:44-45)

That’s pretty straight-forward. Problem is, our pride, our self-righteousness, our sense of justice, even our inherent need to play God, makes it difficult to impossible to do. We are angry, and we are not about to forgive, much less pray for our enemy. “Besides,” we reason, “they would never pray for me!”

If you are still in that “eye for an eye” frame of mind, and are not about to “let” the Lord handle matters his way (which is the best and only way), then consider this alternative. Remember the Lord’s words, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.”

He demands that we forgive, so let’s get back to that forgiveness concept.  Consider what Jesus Christ said:

“For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions” (Matthew 6:14-15).

How is it that most of us seem to overlook that passage? Is it because we believe we are willing to suffer the consequences? Is it because we think we can pay the price? Or do we blithely accept the doctrinal statements of our denomination’s favored theologians, and somehow find wiggle-room to ignore the plain words of our Lord?

Do we dare? Shouldn’t we strive to be absolutely free of any possible onus? Since the greatest command is “love,” and it’s the essence of Christ’s ministry, dare we ignore it? Do we really want to carry that guilt all the way through life and to the gates of heaven where we will then be judged for them.

“For every idle word that ye shall speak,  “ye shall be held accountable.” Those are not empty words.

Get forgiveness now, or suffer who knows what embarrassment or worse later. Still, I’m not talking about the white throne judgment” or any other fuzzy end-times theological discussion. My warning is more practical.

Jesus said, if you are not forgiving the other guy, I am not forgiving you. So…which of your prayers do you think He is about to answer? Are you trying to enter into some sort of arbitration with the King of Kings? He’s all-wise and all-powerful. Yes, he’s merciful, but he is also righteous and just. “Be ye holy as I am holy,” we are commanded.

When we know that we are failing him, well, “how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” He won’t punish us, but he will discipline us, and often those two experiences appear indistinguishable to us. They hurt! So, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:” (Psalm 66:18). This is one of the principle reasons for unanswered prayer. And not forgiving someone is a sin.

Consider this possibility: Many, and perhaps all of the trials you experienced this year may be the result of your failure to forgive others.

Do you remember those words of Paul, “We are more than conquerors through Christ who saved us….” What is being more than a conqueror? The concept is alien to a world which does not know Christ. To be more than conqueror, you don’t kill, enslave, or exploit others. You don’t “get even” with them. You don’t insist they see things your way. You pray for them, you extend Christ’s love to them, and you help them come to know him as their Savior. You promote their best interests. You do exactly what someone else did for you in order to help you find and follow Christ.

The Bible teaches that, “We love him (God) because he first love us.” Ask yourself this. “How are the unsaved, who cannot understand the concept of agape going to love us unless we love them first?”

When those we despise, our “enemies,” are converted and turn into “supernatural” human beings, into believers in Jesus Christ — each filled with his Holy Spirit, obedient to the heavenly vision, and full of good works — they join us in changing the world for the better. They begin to become friends who will stick closer than a brother.

That’s the blessing of forgiving. Your former enemy becomes your friend and ally and, as a side-effect, the Lord does not have to judge you for failing to forgive that person.

( I am not talking about people who would break into our homes to kill, or who would cross our country’s borders to murder our families and fellow citizens. Such enemies do not come to reason with us.)

But you may have experienced a hundred slights, a thousand insults through the years…and you may have been unwilling to set them right. On many occasions, even when I’ve recognized such, I’ve “swept them under the rug and forgotten them. That’s a bad decision!

Have you asked yourself whether you have contributed to the  problem, and may be even more at fault than the person you refuse to forgive?

Do you wonder why your prayers are not answered? If you have not forgiven your neighbor, Jesus stated emphatically that the Father is not now forgiving you! That’s horrific!

In order to live a more fulfilling life, you need to get out from  under that cloud of judgment and sorrow.

Instead of starting the new year by pulling out financial documents to prepare your annual taxes, try this: Pull out a pen and paper and start listing the people you are angry at. Make three columns. Column one, their names. Column two, what you have against them. Column three, what they have against you. Then, take care of business….God’s business!

Are they Christians? If not, why would you think they would try to make things right with you, or pray for you, or forgive you? If so, and you think you are more mature, and that you can judge them and remain unforgiving? Consider the Lord’s words: He who is greatest among you will be my servant. The greatest shall be the least.

“Not that I have attained!” The burden is on every one of us, my friends!

And if you are not a believer, it’s time to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, to clean the slate, to become a new creature in Christ, and to start 2016 off with a new life.

For, “When anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away. All things have become new.”

Find Christ and forgive others. That’s the formula for making this your best year ever.

It’s up to you! The Lord will honor your loving obedience.

Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas!


“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matthew 1:23).

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

“And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:12).

“Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed” (I Peter 2:24)

“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen” (The Revelation 1:7).

For yet a little while, you have liberty to receive the Son of God as your own personal Savior…

… if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).

That is the way to a happy new year!



Thank you!

bell01Thanks for helping get the word out.

Hopefully many people will read and enjoy “Our Cause It Is Just” because of your labors. It’s Joy’s prayer and mine that it attracts people to the gospel.

“Our Cause It Is Just.” is the fourth novel in the Star Spangled Banner Series. Incidentally, the sequel to this book, “Conquer We Must,” may be available by Christmas. In fact, we just received a special delivery package containing edits of the final chapters from Carol Kenzy.

We are honored to have had the wonderful editorial assistance of Pastor Jeremy Stopford, Patricia Pursely, and Carol Kenzy in the preparation of “Our Cause It Is Just.”

While Book 4 will be a happy diversion between other holiday activities, Book 5 may really kick off your new year.




Happy Thanks Giving!


ONCE UPON A TIME, a small group of people, desperate for the freedom to worship God in their own land, traveled to a New World.

These people arrived at the beginning of a particularly harsh winter. They had already suffered disease on board their little ship. Upon their arrival, they were without food or medicine. They struggled to build crude shelters, gather food, and store firewood to survive the brutal cold.

Many died that winter, but the survivors persisted.

The following year, with the help of the native people of the land, they were able to grow crops and hunt for food. At harvest time, they gathered together to give thanks to God for the blessings they had received.

As the centuries passed, however, and the people of that land enjoyed ever greater prosperity, they began to take the simplest blessings as their just due.

Most were anything but thankful. The legal holiday was an occasion for revelry, for play, for travel, and for recreation. Yes, they wished one another “Happy Thanksgiving,” but it was only the rare believer who understood to whom they were supposed to give thanks.

Many became vain in their imaginations, and committed all sorts of evil acts. Others turned the sacred holiday of Thanksgiving into “Turkey Day,” and “Football Day,” and “Feast Day.” Instead of thanking the Creator and the Savior, they began thanking one another for what they considered their important contributions to society.

And every year, fewer gave thanks. After all, how can one give thanks to a Being that society now agrees no longer exists?

The story of “Thanksgiving” is not quite over, but the end of it certainly seems near. It remains to be seen whether a sufficient number of the people in that blessed land see the truth in time, and resume worshiping the creator rather than the creation.

It remains to be seen what God will do to the people of that land if they continue to turn away from him.

It’s not too late for them. The promise is true:

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name (John 1:12).

5th Book in Series Coming Soon

“Conquer We Must!” which is the fifth book in the series, “The Chronicles of CC,” should be available in time for Christmas.

This exciting book adds important background information about CC’s past. It also reveals much about his wife’s character and courage as evidenced by the challenges she overcomes.

A number of new characters are introduced, including a Chinese-American newsman and helicopter pilot who is forced to serve the Chinese invaders. Several other characters play a far larger role as events move forward.

We see the enemies of America falter, while the desperate surviving Americans begin to harbor the idea that they might actually recover their lost land.

The book begins with a flashback to the night that CC was arrested at the Butter Creek Inn, and ends with a badly injured CC watching his small group divided after they are driven from Hidden Valley.

This book is the largest yet in the series of five.

Your Turn To Speak!


A young preacher, a long time ago….

A new website, is up and running.

Apart from information about me and the books I’ve written, this website enables me to comment on current events and how they may correlate with the living Scriptures, much as I did for years on Teletalk, the radio talk-show I co-hosted with Larry Foss in New York’s capital region.

More importantly, it enables you to post your own comments on any subject that concerns you.

To state an opinion or make an observation, just look for the Your Comments” tab at the top right corner of the webpage, and click it.

You’ll be asked to provide a name that will be published along with your comments, but if you are shy, it doesn’t have to be your real name. It may be a nickname or even a silly substitute, such as “Popeye.” You will also have to enter your email address, but that will not be published with your comments, and is only required to help prevent “bad guys” from spamming or posting objectionable material. Then you simply enter your thoughts.

It’s my prayer that this blog will serve you and me as a point of contact, as well as a platform from which you may express your serious thoughts. In this, my 75th year, I want more than ever to make a difference. We all need to make a difference.

The Lord Jesus Christ revealed the importance of this attitude when he said: “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4).