Jeremy and Thuvia Stopford

By Rev. Jeremy Stopford, Retired Pastor

Today’s Special: “A Bird Question”

Q. Why do seagulls live near the sea?

  1. If they lived near the bay, they’d be bagels.


The preparation for the “communion” service, v. 1-2, centered around the fear of the people rather than the fear of the Lord. We are challenged, then, to what is true love for Jesus?



To the day, it was just another home – but not so, for Simon was a “leper” – an “untouchable” touched by Jesus, v. 3

To the day, she was just “another woman” – one of many – in fact, in Mark’s account, her name isn’t given (but in other accounts she is identified as Mary, sister to Lazarus) – Mark is emphasizing service for God’s glory, not man’s credit

To the guests, the focus was not the action, but the jar: perfume, a year’s wages, compassion for the poor – or was real compassion?

So we, too, often condemn the ACT. We always look at the ACT first. But God looks on the heart!


To the Savior, the importance wasn’t the jar or the act but the woman – the JEWEL of the story

“wonderfully significant” (v. 6) Other versions call what she did: good and beautiful, praiseworthy and noble, of excellence

To the Savior, the focus was also on time (v. 7) – there will always be time for lesser things, but the time to worship and to be poured out is now

To the Savior, He knew her limitations (v. 8) – everyone has an assignment (see Rom. 12 and 1 Cor. 12 for gifts God gives to His church) even if it seems insignificant!

To the Savior, He sees what is truly broken and poured out – more than the ointment, it was the woman!

To the Savior, He sees the eternal focus, which focus we often forget, her memorial (v. 9)

Illustration: “Let Me Burn Out for Thee, Dear Lord” – a poem which Joanie Yoder first read when she was in Bible School. In her book, “God Dependent Life”, this poem was the central part of the book. [The poem is pasted below]


BROKEN AND POURED OUT JESUS ! (v. 10) V. 10 could be an after thot, or the purpose of the whole story – Jesus’ being broken and poured out – for sinners like us!


Let Me Burn Out for Thee, Dear Lord

by Bessie Hatcher

O God, the world is lost in sin,
And so few that seem to care!
Many of whom profess Thy name
No burden will help to bear.
We need a passion, Lord, for souls,
To bring the lost back to Thee;
Our hearts must be stirred, till all have heard
At least once of Calvary.


Let me burn out for Thee, dear Lord,
Burn and wear out for Thee.
Don’t let me rust, or my life
Be a failure, my God to Thee.
Use me and all I have, dear Lord,
And get me so close to Thee
That I feel the throb of the great heart of God,
Until I burn out for Thee.

How cold has been our giving, Lord!
How selfish our love has been,
Keeping from those who never heard
The gospel that saves from sin!
How often we have turned aside,
Neglecting to do our part,
Forgetting Thy tears and agony,
Forgetting Thy bleeding heart! Chorus

Meet us and break us up, dear Lord,
Until driven to our knees.
Bare to our gaze Thy cross and love,
Of blood-baptized Calvary.
Speak till we hear again Thy call,
And hold nothing back from Thee.
Oh, burn on our hearts the hopeless wail
Of souls damned eternally. Chorus

O God, with shame I humbly bow,
In tears and with contrite heart.
Forgive me for the broken vows,
And failure to do my part.
I heed Thy call and say, “Farewell”
To all that would hinder me
Thy grace and Thy love to lost ones tell,
And my life burn out for Thee. Chorus