Week Ten, 2024

The foundation has already been built. No one can build any other foundation. The foundation that has already been laid is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11)

It was a shocking scene. Seven stories of smoking twisted steel and rubble. They were still looking for human remains. People were on their knees and holding onto fences and praying as ashes fell on all surrounding the grim scene.

We were passing out Bibles and tracts and the out stretched hands were brisk of those who wanted answers and comfort. It had been not quite three weeks since I watched them come crashing down, first one tower and then the other. We all remember where we were on that grim day of a national attack.

When I returned to the scene a few weeks later, it looked totally different. Buildings had been replaced and there were two square pools of about one acre each in the exact footprint of each of the Twin Towers, which were the icons of New York City and at 110 stories, the then tallest buildings in the world.

There is an elevator where visitors can descend eight stories to the bedrock on which the foundations rested. It was there that the foundations initially rested… bedrock upon which the tallest buildings in the world could rest.

As I looked upon the scene with tears in my eyes, I thought of the spiritual parallel in the Bible. Paul said that Jesus himself is the foundation. Christ calls His people to turn away from the world and trust solely in His work on the cross for salvation. All other foundations are like sinking sand, but Jesus Christ is God’s appointed means of salvation as the only sure and steady foundation for all who believe.

The World Trade Center housed more than four hundred corporations, some of which were the foundations of world trade activity. As I stood there I thought what is the foundation in this life? Is it personal possessions or sense of security?

People put their hope and base life on many things. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3:11 titled “Christ the Foundation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that any foundation in life that is not Jesus Christ is doomed to fail. All other foundations are passing and transient; they satisfy, but only temporarily. Jesus Christ is an eternal foundation that can never be shaken. He is a foundation that never leaves His people wanting for more. Christ alone can satisfy one’s deepest needs and desires.

The greatest tragedy is that many reject Christ as their hope and turn to everything else that is vain and passing away. Christ calls His people to turn away from the world and trust solely in His work on the cross for salvation as the foundation of life. All other foundations are like sinking sand, but Jesus Christ is God’s appointed means of salvation as the only sure and steady foundation for all who believe.

What is your foundation?



“How do we put our faith to work?”

1) By living what we say we believe. That is by glorifying God through our day to day living… through our work… through our fun… even in the mundane.

2) By doing what Jesus did – loving others, helping others, sharing life with others. Not because we must, but because of what He first did for us.

3) By going therefore – That is, by going to make disciples. Whether next door, down the hall, across the country or around the world. Put your faith into action.

4) By loving your neighbor as yourself. And who is your neighbor? Everyone – even if they don’t look like you. Overcome hate and disdain with love. Shine where you are.

5) By taking up our cross daily and following Him… loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength – loving him with all that we are. Love like Jesus. See as He sees. Respond like would respond. Allow His heart to become our heart.

Sometimes we have to do more than say it… we have to show it. We have to live what we say we believe.

Let’s be clear – Faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ, the Son of God is what saves us. But as we live and grow in our faith in Him, we are called then to put our faith to work. So others can see Him in us… so others might know of His great love, grace and mercy.

Marty Stubblefield

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Drug addicts outnumber high school students in San Francisco.

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• Jesus needs to be the center of our souls.

• If you love the Bible, do you love the God of the Bible?

• King Jesus has power over demons, for He is God and Lord.

• In this life you should expect spiritual opposition. Trust Jesus’ power to deliver you.

• It’s not knowledge but love and worship that distinguish demons from saints. Love and worship Jesus!

• Love people more than your goods and possessions.



We often put ourselves in some pretty, miserable positions because we move ahead without seeking God. Florida Marketplace Ministry

Did you know you can fit 1.3 million “earths” into the sun? And God said, “Let there be light”. What a mighty God we serve! Pete Dail

Taking the Life of an Innocent Child is Never a Choice. Catholic Bishop

To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often. Winston Churchill

When I am in need of help now, as a believer in Christ, God Himself has my back. Rich Jensen

Just as there is no human cure for leprosy, there is no human cure for sin. Dan Shock

If God forsook His own Son because of sin, how can you ever expect God to be in fellowship with you as long as you have sin permeating your life? Florida Marketplace Ministries

A man should always consider how much he has more than he wants. Joseph Addison

Jesus is not only Savior… He is also Lord. And that’s Lord over everything – even all my junk. When will we heed the warning lights and get our hearts serviced? Marty Stubblefield

What at awesome responsibility it is to represent God to other people. Dan Shock

When God touches your heart, it fills with love and peace. Though the storms may rage, you have a glorious confidence in God’s ability to control life’s circumstances. Florida Marketplace Ministries


Selected portions of Thoughts on Life can also be read at

Your feedback is welcome. Feel free to pass this along to others and to contribute your ideas and thoughts. Address all items and comments to [email protected]. © Thoughts on Life Copyright 2024

#6, Temple Discoveries

Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries Related to Jesus

February 24, 2024

—According to the Gospel writers, Jesus visited Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem on numerous occasions. First as a newborn for his circumcision, then as a twelve-year old, presumably for his bar mitzvah, and then frequently as an adult to celebrate Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles, the three, annual, religious festivals required of all Jewish men. Any archaeological evidence that confirms the historicity of Herod’s Temple adds to the veracity of the New Testament’s accounts of Jesus at the temple, and there is a great deal of temple evidence to be sure.

—Books have been written on this topic, but let me just mention three. First, in 1871 a French archaeologist discovered a complete stone tablet, inscribed with painted red letters that read, “No outsider shall enter the protective enclosure around the sanctuary, and whoever is caught will only have himself to blame for his ensuing death.” This warning inscription is known to have been posted on a barrier wall that surrounded the temple building itself, and we have found it. See my original post on this discovery from Sept 24, 2022 that’s archived at in order to learn more.

—Second, archaeologists have uncovered massive stone steps on the southern end of the present Temple Mount that once led up to Herod’s Temple through underground walkways. Pilgrims to Jerusalem walked up these steps, singing the psalms on their way to offer their sacrifices to the Lord. You can visit these steps today and even touch the temple walls that date to the time of Jesus.

—Third, in the 1970s archaeologists removed tons of rubble from the southwestern corner of the present–day Temple Mount, uncovering a market street, a priestly inscription and more that corroborated first-century historians’ accounts of the temple. The rubble resulted from the destruction of the temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. who quelled a Jewish revolt at that time and systematically dismantled all the buildings.

—The corroborating evidence for Jesus and for the accuracy of the New Testament is beyond dispute!


Week Nine, 2024

My wife is a wonderful cook. My girth is proof of that. It’s been a learning process. When she cooked our first meal after returning from our honeymoon and she served beanie weinnies for dinner. She was so proud! I knew we were in for a long haul!

But she has been self-taught, with a huge gracious help from my mother. Now, and for many years, she is a fabulous cook. She doesn’t use recipes… well sometimes she does, rather she just adds as she works along as she goes, adding this and that. Often, I ask her to repeat the meal and she doesn’t remember what she did to make what she made. I told her many times that if she would write down the recipes and give each dish a flashy name, we could open a successful restaurant.

The Bible has many recipes. Try Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. It works.

God gave Joshua a plan on how to defeat Jericho. It was simple. All he had to do was follow His instructions and Jericho would be theirs.

Jericho’s walls were 11 feet high and 14 feet thick. They were virtually impregnable. For man, it was impossible and overwhelming to even consider getting in, much less destroy.

When Joshua announced the strategy that God Himself laid out, I wonder how the people responded. I wonder what ran through their minds when they heard what seemed like such a foolish plan?

“Well that’s a silly plan… There’s no way that will work, but ok…”

Joshua followed God’s unusual plan to the letter. He had faith that God was who He said He was and would do what He said He would do.

So they marched. One time around Jericho each day for 6 days. On the 7th day they marched around 7 times. Seven priests in front carrying rams horn trumpets in front of the ark of the covenant. A long trumpet blasts. A loud shout by the army.

And the walls came tumbling down.

Do you follow God’s recipes?


And all around us, still—personally, and beyond to the ends of the world, questions lie unresolved. Issues, problems, concerns, disagreements and worse, linger, fester, and seem to grow everywhere. So, now what? Uncertainty reigns. So, then, to what, and where can we look. The answer is clear and has been with us for over two-thousand years.

The Hope which came in the magnificent birth of the Babe of Bethlehem. The Son of God. The Savior of the world. Christ—there to lead us to the answers we seek, the joy and peace for our lives and for the world.

There it is. The only answer to the question—now what? When we set our hearts each day on the One who then calls each of us to also be joy to the world, and peace on the earth. When we live each moment of every day remembering the answer to whatever will be found when we embrace and follow Christ, and live out and sing the words—

“O Come let us adore Him!” Scott Whitaker

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Every day we are tempted. Every day something or some things are thrown into our face, come our way that vie for our focus… for our attention… for our lives.

How will we respond? How will we react? Do we know the voice of the Master? In the midst of those tempting moments… in the midst of the battle, do we hear His voice?

Do we respond? Do we continue to walk with the Master? Or do we chase after the temptations of the day… the focus of the moment… the demon that has come to steal and kill and destroy? What do we do when face temptation or when the demons attack?

Marty Stubblefield

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Words of wisdom from Edgar Aponte:

• Christ’s grace extends to us even when we are neither expecting nor asking for it.

• There is a cost to follow Jesus, but the cost to not follow Him is infinitely more.

• Jesus is not like a used car salesman trying to trick you to buy anything.

• Discipleship is living a life with Jesus.

• There is a cost to follow Jesus, but there is also an urgency.

• Jesus paid an incredible cost for our redemption. Be prepared to pay a cost for being His disciple.

• A call to follow Jesus is a call to count the cost and o commit to Him completely. Follow Him now.

• Conditional acceptance is a complete rejection and delayed obedience is disobedience. Follow Him today.


If we can completely believe some of God’s promises, why do we have difficulty believing all of God’s promises? Dan Shock

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

We may not have the physical Jesus with us, but, as believers, we have His Spirit within us to calm us in our storms and get us through them. He has the power. Take heart. He is always with you. Don’t be beat up. Be upbeat. Rich Jensen

When going through trials, we often feel alone. We think nobody sees or understands. But God knows. Dan Shock

Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. Thomas Jefferson

When life hands us a lemon, let’s try to make lemonade. Dale Carnegie

In love, there is no room for prejudice, hate, abuse, divisiveness, or taking advantage of others. Marty Stubblefield

You don’t have to hide. You don’t have to pretend, worry about what people will think. Everyone is dealing with something. There’s no shame in saying, “I need help. I’m struggling; I’m hurting; I’m broken.” David Jeremiah

Remember that True Worship isn’t about the What, Where, When, nor How. It’s all about The WHO And The Why! The WHO is the Lord, God Almighty Creator of Heaven and all other things. The WHY is He loved us so much He sent His Son to die on the Cross for our sins!

The only way to be all you can be is to surrender all you are to the One who created you to be all HE made you to be. Todd Gongwerca

God wants us to learn to trust in Him completely – even when we cannot see any possible solutions. Dan Shock

We often put ourselves in some pretty miserable positions because we move ahead without seeking God. Florida Marketplace Ministry


Selected portions of Thoughts on Life can also be read at

Your feedback is welcome. Feel free to contribute your ideas and thoughts. Address all items and comments to [email protected]. © Thoughts on Life Copyright 2024

7, Jacob’s Well

Archaeological Discoveries Related to Jesus

February 17, 2024

—Here are the highlights from a story in John 4 that you’ll probably recognize quickly. Jesus engages a Samaritan woman at a well outside the city of Sychar near Shechem. Jesus turns the conversation to the woman’s need for living water, and soon even explains to her that he is the Messiah. The woman is convinced and hurries back into town to tell the men of the city. It’s a powerful story with great implications, but for now let’s take a deeper dive into the history of that well where the woman and Jesus met.

—We often talk about how exciting it would be to stand where Jesus stood. Jacob’s Well is located inside a Greek Orthodox church that was purposely built over and around it. It’s the very same well that Jacob built after he purchased the surrounding tract of land for himself and his family in Genesis 33, and today you can visit the church and even draw water from the well. You CAN stand where Jesus stood! Or more precisely you can sit where Jesus sat. John 4:6 reads, “Jesus therefore being wearied from His journey sat thus by the well.”

—Jacob’s Well is not a popular stop for modern tour groups because of its location in the heart of the West Bank, but Samaritans, Christians and Muslims alike acknowledge its authenticity. There are at least three reasons why all three groups are so confident about it.

—First, it matches the descriptions given in the Bible. In particular the well is located at Shechem just as the Bible suggests. But John 4:11 adds a small detail that is really quite significant, noting that the well is deep. Modern measurements of Jacob’s Well in Shechem show it to be between 135 and 150 feet deep just as one would expect.

—Second, early Byzantine and Crusader churches once stood where the modern church now stands. This long-standing tradition of honoring this site and well shouldn’t be dismissed easily.

—Third, over the last two thousand years pilgrims to the Holy Land have written about the well, and some have even chosen to be baptized with water from the well. Jerome, a well-respected theologian and historian, mentions the well as early as the fourth century.

—Jacob’s Well is one site in Israel that I haven’t yet visited, and perhaps I’ll be able to travel there as early as this summer and taste the water for myself. But one thing I can say with certainty! After drinking water drawn from Jacob’s Well, I will surely be thirsty again by day’s end, but how blessed I am to say that in 1978 Jesus offered me a drink of living water that has satisfied me to this very day.

—Daniel McCabe


Week Eight, 2024

Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves and make music to the Lord in your hearts. And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ( Ephesians 5:19-21).

I love to sing hymns, but they have faded away in many churches today. Hymnals have disappeared from the pew racks and music has been replaced by “contemporary” gospel music. I like some of that too, though sometimes repetitious. I heard that when someone asked what another did for a living, he said: “I write Christian music. I write Christian music. I write Christian music.”

My bride and I both attended separate churches, but neither church was exactly evangelical. We never heard the Gospel from the pulpit. When we got married, we decided to join an evangelical church where we heard about salvation and the Gospel. Years later, she figured out that in our former churches, we heard the Gospel in song. That’s what hymns are ….. songs about the Gospel.

“Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt! Yonder on Calvary’s mount out-poured – There where the blood of the Lamb was shed. “Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin..grace that will pardon and cleanse within.”

Think of the top hymns… Be Thou my Vision… Abide with Me… Love Divine… Eternal Father, Strong to Save… How Great Thou Art… Dear Lord and Father of Mankind.

Recently, we were having a Christmas hymn sing in our home and when I heard “Born to give us second birth”, I thought that’s the Gospel message of Christmas.

Originally modelled on the Book of Psalms and other poetic passages (commonly referred to as “canticles”) in the Scriptures, Christian hymns are generally directed as praise to the Christian God. Many refer to Jesus Christ either directly or indirectly.

What is the most popular hymn of all time? “Amazing Grace” has been recorded thousands of times. it was written by poet and pastor John Newton in 1772. Newton’s biographer, Jonathan Aitken, estimates that “Amazing Grace” is performed 10 million times worldwide every year.

Hymns are songs of praise. The term ‘hymn’ originates from the Greek word ‘hymnos,’ which means ‘songs of praise’. Isaac Watts (born July 17, 1674) is regarded as the father of English hymnody. Christian hymnody derives from the singing of psalms in the Hebrew Temple. Gospel music in hymns can be traced to the early 17th century.

I don’t know about you, but I think I am going to start a campaign to bring the hymns back, because churches with them are losing a very sacred kind of worship.


One of the best summary comments on 2023 I have seen is how the world has turned upside down because now old folks are sneaking out of the house and their kids are yelling at them to stay indoors! What a total reversal of life!

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Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2023, Killing 73 Million People

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Words of wisdom from Edgar Aponte:

• Christ’s grace extends to us even when we are neither expecting nor asking for it.

• There is a cost to follow Jesus, but the cost to not follow Him is infinitely more.

• Jesus is not like a used car salesman trying to trick you to buy anything.

• Discipleship is living a life with Jesus.

• There is a cost to follow Jesus but there is also an urgency.

• Jesus paid an incredible cost for our redemption. Be prepared to pay a cost for being His disciple.

• A call to follow Jesus is a call to count the cost and to commit to Him completely. Follow Him now.

• Conditional acceptance is a complete rejection and delayed obedience is disobedience. Follow Him today.

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Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is” (Ephesians 5:15).


The only person who dares wake up a king at 3:00 AM for a glass of water is a child. We have that kind of access. Tim Keller

The Lord expects and invites us to ask of Him without reservation and at all times. Pray! Edgar Aponte

When we depend upon organizations, we get what organizations can do; when we depend upon education, we get what education can do; when we depend upon man, we get what man can do; but when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do. A. C. Dixon

Love others the way God loves you and the way you want others to love you. Edgar Aponte

Write down the name of a friend who you greatly admire. Now write down one thing you admire most about your friend. Almost 100% of the time 100% of the people write down a quality that has to do with attitude.

How many lives have been shattered— all because of the tongue? Dan Shock

The word heaven appears 549 times in the Bible. It must be important.

Can you think of a moment when someone’s words drastically impacted your life? Maybe this moment came from a parent, a teacher, or mentor. Maybe it came from a doctor, a coach, or a friend. For better or worse, words can have a huge impact on the way we live our lives. They can make or break someone’s day. Our words have so much power and influence, much more than we often give them credit for. How you choose to use this super-power can make the biggest difference in someone else’s world.

Beware lest you say in your heart, My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth. Deuteronomy 8:17

Halfway obedience is disobedience, and it brings tragic consequences. Dan Shock

We are not our best intentions. We are what we do.

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. Corrie ten Boon

We often put ourselves in some pretty miserable positions because we move ahead without seeking God. Dan Shock

We all still do stupid things. And we think we can hide from God and not suffer the consequences. But God is omnipresent and sees us and will shout that He knows where we are. That shout will come by any means He sees fit to get our attention. We will be held accountable. Rich Jensen

Lasting satisfaction is not found in pursuing pleasure, obtaining possessions, or amassing wealth. Those things within themselves will leave us empty, unfulfilled, and feeling futile. So, learn to enjoy the blessing of today. Preacherman

Write it on your heart that this day is the best day of year. Because it’s the only day you have. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of us look at our days in the wrong way: We exaggerate yesterday. We overestimate tomorrow. We underestimate today. The truth is that the most important day you will ever experience is today. Today is the key to your success. John Maxwell

When you don’t understand God, you should still trust him. Jim Denison

Suffering is at the very heart of the Christian faith. It is not the only way Christ became like us and redeemed us, but it is one of the main ways we become like him and experience his redemption. And that means that our suffering, despite its painfulness, is also filled with purpose and usefulness. Timothy Keller


Your feedback is welcome. Feel free to pass this along to others and to contribute your ideas and thoughts. Address all items and comments to [email protected]. © Thoughts on Life Copyright 2024

#8, The Pool of Siloam

Archaeological Discoveries Related to Jesus

February 10, 2024

—This pool sits at the lower end of the City of David and only a short walk south of the Dung Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem. The stepped remains of one side of the pool were discovered in 2004 after being unearthed by construction workers doing repairs on a drainage system.

—Until 2004 archaeologists accepted the long-standing tradition that a small pool adjacent to the modern exit of Hezekiah’s Tunnel must be the biblical Pool of Siloam, and although there are some, albeit very few, who still prefer the traditional site to the larger, newly-discovered pool further down the hill, there seems little doubt that we have finally found the true Pool of Siloam where Jesus healed a blind man. For many years the digging at this new site had been delayed by a land dispute. Archaeologists sought to dig beneath a beautiful orchard next to the site, hoping to unearth the remainder of the pool. Finally, the legal hurdles were cleared and digging resumed last year. What did they find? Sadly, they found nothing! Long ago the locals evidently repurposed most of the pool’s stones for other building projects. All that remains of the pool from Jesus’ day is largely what had been visible prior to the land dispute. Even so let’s not lose site of the historicity of the pool and its connection to the words and actions of Jesus in John 9:6b-7, “Then [Jesus] anointed the man’s eyes with the mud and said to him, ‘Go, wash in the pool of Siloam’ (which means Sent). So he went and washed and came back seeing.”

Cullman Bible Church

Planting a Church through Prayer

By Daniel McCabe

February 10, 2024

Thanks to those of you who now follow us on Facebook. We have had 623 views of our first post since launching our site on February 1st. The more it’s shared the more excited I’m getting. Our interest meeting is still on schedule for the 18th, another reason to get excited. There aren’t a lot of new developments over the last ten days, but please note that I’m preaching tomorrow and that Carol is having surgery on her knee on the 20th. It hasn’t improved as initially thought. Please see requests #6 and #7 below.

Our Prayer Requests

—1. Pray for our first Interest Meeting, still scheduled for Sunday, February 18, at our home. We’re inviting everyone for lunch at 12:30 and then we’ll meet around 1:00 to talk about the formation of the church. Please pray that those who have shown interest will participate. Please pray specifically that God will raise up five individual households (singles, couples or families) to join us.

—2. Pray for KRISTY, one of the Panera Bread ladies known to Zach and for whom he has been greatly burdened–that she and her parents will attend our interest meeting as intimated–and for her grown daughter, ALEX, for whom we’ve been praying–that even though she may be scheduled to work that Sunday, she will nonetheless be drawn to the Lord through the ministry of our new church.

—3. Please continue to pray for CAROL and TRISH (who have both said that they’ll come on the 18th) as well as all the others for whom we’ve requested prayer, including TRACY, LORI, SEAN and BLAKE at Panera. Also, the Wisemans, ERIC and STEPHANIE, along with their children, MICHAEL, ABBY, SHYLO, ELI, LYLIAN, THEODORE and OWEN.

—4. Pray for FRANNIE who recently lost her husband of many years and who is grieving deeply. We can’t seem to find a time to visit her that works for us all, but we’ll keep trying.

—5. For the future worship music at the church. Perhaps the Lord will be gracious to lead us to a spiritually mature, like-minded man who can serve in this way. Music might be our greatest early challenge, so please continue to pray.

—6. For CAROL’s surgery on the 20th, yes, but more importantly that she’ll see God working in all the details surrounding the surgery and that those who attend our interest meeting will rally around her to encourage her.

—7. I’m preaching tomorrow for Men’s Day at Center Hill Baptist Church. We’ll be looking in particular at 1 Timothy 2. Thanks!


“Unless the LORD builds the house they labor in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1).


Week Seven, 2024

As I walked along the beach, the sign caught my eye. It said, “Swim Near The Lifeguard.”

Walking by the surf, I pondered and certainly it was a good safety warning, but it occurred to me that it had a spiritual warning as well.

Lifeguards rescue floundering people sinking beneath the waves. But so does Jesus rescue us as we sink to the way of the world below. A wise person does the Words of Jesus and builds His life on Jesus.

Wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective and to then act accordingly. Disciples of Christ hear and do the Word of Christ. Put the Bible into practice! Be wise and build your life on the secure foundation of the Word of God. Jesus is not only a great teacher, but He is also God in the flesh. Follow and trust Him!

Matthew 16:24 provides direction on how to “stay close.” Jesus says, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.” To stay close, one must seek, be selfless, submit, and be serious.

James 4:8 says, Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world. When we seek God with all of our hearts and draw near to Him, we will feel His presence once again. It is in drawing nearer to God that we are able to access and obtain all that God has planned and purposed for us.

What does it mean to be close to Jesus? Serving and loving others, like He would. Trying to hear Him through the Spirit. Trusting His promises. Feeling grateful for His Atonement. Sticking up for Him, respecting His name, and defending the truths He taught.

How to stay in contact with Jesus? Really pray. Come to God as you would a friend, a confidant, a Father. And don’t make it a one-sided conversation. Learn to listen to God in your times of prayer by reading the Bible and waiting on him in silence, solitude, and stillness.

Drawing near to God means we commune with Him in our thoughts. We allow His Word to shape our attitudes, and we glorify Him in our lifestyle. Amid the stress and pressures of everyday life, we take time to focus on God and not on the affairs of life.

He wants us to stay closer to him. In James 4:8, we are encouraged to draw near to God and He will draw near to us. It is in drawing nearer to God that we are able to access and obtain all that God has planned and purposed for us Jer. 29:12-14.

How close are you to the lifeguard of your life?


Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created he world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. Hebrews 1:1-3

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You’ve gone for a run or vigorously played some sport. You’ve sweated. Your body tells you that you are thirsty and need to be replenished with fluids. That’s your natural reaction and remedy. You’ve had a hard week dealing with life’s difficulties. Your mind tells you that you thirst for an emotional uplift, so you seek out a friend with whom you can share your feelings and from whom you can get solace. That’s also natural and a remedy.

You’ve come to a place where you feel you no longer have a purpose and that you need to renew your spirit. That’s when you go to God’s Word. That is where you find Truth, purpose, guidance, and everything you need. It may not feel natural at first, but the more you drink of the Word of God, the more you will desire it.

We live in a spiritually dry and weary place wherein God’s Word is our only remedy. So, drink up. Rich Jensen

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Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. Paul describes the classic battle between the flesh and the Spirit. Really asking the question, “On what is your mind set? What are you focused on? Satisfying your own flesh desires or what the Holy Spirit desires?” Romans 8:5-6


• Fear makes us irrational. It makes us lose our perspectiveness.

• King Jesus has power over nature, for He is God and Lord.

• Following Jesus might get you into a storm. Trust Him for He is with you.

• Great storms and trials will challenge our faith. Believe in Jesus and His power to save.

• The storms of life will not last forever. Jesus will demonstrate His power. Worship Him and pray!


The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul… Gilbert K Chesterton

Jesus is the holiness of God in the flesh. He is the embodiment of who God is. Jesus is better than anything or anybody, so listen to Him as the promised prophet, trust Him as the faithful priest, and worship him as the exalted king. Edgar Aponte

Choice is a wonderful thing, but it can also bring devastating consequences. Dan Shock

Opportunities will abound before us to add value to the lives and world around us. Christ came to lift and encourage us, and to also point the way, to all we can be and do for Him, others and all the world. Scott Whitaker

One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: To rise above the little things. John Burroughs

Wealth, notoriety, place, and power are no measures of success whatsoever. The only true measure of success is the ratio between what we might have been and what we have become. In other words, success comes as the result of growing to our potential. H.G. Wells

Reaching your potential is part of the secret of success. God has invested substantially into your life. Whether or not you bring a return is dependent on growing in your potential. John Maxwell

The apostle Peter exhorted Christians to add to their faith moral excellence. Knowledge. Self-control. Perseverance. Godliness. Brotherly Kindness. And love. He then added, For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 1:8).

George Bernard Shaw was interviewed by a reporter shortly before he died and asked, “Mr. Shaw, If you could live your life over and be anybody you’ve known, or any person from history, who would you be?” “I would choose,” replied Shaw “to be the man George Bernard Shaw could have been, but never was.”


Your feedback is welcome. Feel free to contribute your ideas and thoughts. Address all items and comments to [email protected]. ©Thoughts on Life Copyright 2024

Archaeological Discoveries Related to Jesus: #9, Synagogues

February 3, 2024

—“In biblical times synagogue structures were public buildings used by Jews for civic and religious gatherings. The religious gatherings focused on the study of the Hebrew Bible and prayer,” writes Scott Stripling of Associates for Biblical Research.

But when exactly did the Jews begin building synagogues? It depends on whom you ask. Let’s look at what Matthew writes in his gospel, “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues ….” (4:23). Matthew affirms that synagogues existed during the time of Jesus’ ministry, approximately 30 A.D.

On the other hand, some historians had routinely argued that synagogues did not come into existence until after the destruction of Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and that any references to synagogues by Matthew or any other Gospel writer were anachronistic.

Clearly both views couldn’t be right, but once again the modern age of archaeology came to the defense of the Bible, for approximately ten synagogues have been excavated that pre-date 70 A.D., including those at Capernaum, Gamla, Magdala and Beth Shemesh.

—Daniel McCabe


Week Six, 2024

Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours (Mark 11:240.

It happened more than sixty years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. It happened on my high school football field, as graduation ceremonies were about to begin. There were foreboding clouds on the horizon and lightning in the distance. It looked like we were going to have a wet outdoor graduation.

Then, I did something I had never done before…… I bowed my head and I prayed. It was an unusual experience because I had never done it before. Oh, as an Episcopalian, I had recited many prayers and knew the Book of Common Prayer nearly by memory, but reciting prepared prayers is not the same as praying your own and I had never been taught how to do that.

Prayer is giving our attention to God in a two-way spiritual relationship where we talk to God and listen to Him. Prayer is like a child’s conversation with their father. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things they need, or to ask for advice or guidance.

We don’t pray on our own, but prayer brings us in touch with God and others, and Christians pray in the name of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. As we pray, we offer every situation to God. There is no ‘hidden secret’ when it comes to prayer. God is always alongside us and ready to listen.

Prayer is the open admission that without Christ we can do nothing. Prayer is an expression of faith in God’s power, fueled by a desire for more of him. It does not necessarily come naturally, even when we have given our life to Christ. We have to learn how to pray. Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.

Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us, and looking ahead at 2024, I believe it has never been more important for God’s people to be on our knees. But knowing how to pray is not always easy. Jesus’ disciples felt the same confusion. They were familiar with the oft-repeated prayers of the Torah. But Jesus prayed with a kind of authority and power they had never seen before — as though God was listening! So, when they came to Jesus, as told in Matthew 6, they didn’t say, “Teach us another prayer.” They said, “Lord, teach us to pray.”

Have you asked the Lord to teach you how to pray?


“How do we put our faith to work?”

In response, these 5 things came to mind:

1) By living what we say we believe. That is by glorifying God through our day-to-day living… through our work… through our fun… even in the mundane.

2) By doing what Jesus did – loving others, helping others, sharing life with others. Not because we have to but because He first did for us.

3) By going therefore – That is, by going to make disciples. Whether next door, down the hall, across the country or around the world. Put your faith into action.

4) By loving your neighbor as yourself (goes back to number 2). And who is your neighbor? Everyone – even if they don’t look like you. Overcome hate and disdain with love. Shine where you are.

5) By taking up our cross daily and following Him… loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength – loving him with all that we are. Love like Jesus. See as He sees. Respond like He would respond. Allow His heart to become our heart.

Let’s be clear – Faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ, the Son of God is what saves us. But as we live and grow in our faith in Him, we are called then to put our faith to work. So others can see Him in us… so others might know of His great love, grace and mercy.

Now is the time for us to shine, to be a light in a dark world… or at least our little part of it. Go now… “Get off the bench and do something… get out of the pew and put your faith to work.” Marty Stubblefield

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A large Swedish study has uncovered a paradox about people diagnosed with an excessive fear of serious illness: They tend to die earlier than people who aren’t hypervigilant about health concerns.

Hypochondriasis, now called illness anxiety disorder, is a rare condition with symptoms that go beyond average health worries. People with the disorder are unable to shake their fears despite normal physical exams and lab tests. Some may change doctors repeatedly. Others may avoid medical care.


Progress is impossible without change; and he cannot change his mind cannot change anything. Bernard Shaw

Where there’s hope, there’s life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again. Anne Frank

The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value. Charles Dudley Warner

Luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’re prepared for it. Denzel Washington

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. Andrew Carnegie

Amidst the global challenges to freedom, we each face a crucial choice. We can passively surrender or actively contribute to safeguarding our cherished values—individual freedom, private enterprise, and constitutional government. What will you do? The Hoover Institute

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person. Benjamin Franklin

Remind the people… be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always be gentle toward everyone. Titus 3:1-2.

When in doubt about what to believe, some things never change…Trust in God’s Word, The Bible communicates through the Holy Spirit. Dwight Short

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Public opinion in this country is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail, without it nothing can succeed. Abraham Lincoln

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. Martin Luther King

Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead. Scottish Proverb

Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin. Dwight D. Eisenhower

You can’t save souls in an empty church. David Ogilvy


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