Week Fifty-One, 2024
God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. 1 John 4:9-10
He was a leader in his community, a faithful Christian, a successful businessman and my friend for over fifty years. He also had an incredible sense of humor, and I was not surprised to see a “RETURN TO SENDER” sign on his casket.
It was his idea and made all in the church laugh as they passed by, but I thought that it sent a spiritual statement of living a Christian life and it was the real message of Christmas.
God sent His Son to be born unceremoniously in a smelly dark manger when His pregnant mother was turned away from the inn. But there is more. His tenure on earth was temporary, about 33 years. Then He arose and returned to the side of His Father, as he sacrificially bore the pain as a price for forgiveness of my sins and yours.
Christmas and Easter are like bookends with His earthly life in between. God temporarily send His Son. They called Him – Jesus. He came to heal and forgive. He lived and died to buy my pardon. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, my fears are gone. I know He holds my future, just because he lived and died and lives on.
So, Jesus came to be returned to His sender, just as you and me. Christmas is like the first act of a two-act play. All are born, but only those who have the ticket of salvation get to be part of the second act. Do you have the ticket of eternal live to be returned to your sender.
Merry Christmas one and all. May it be a most blessed time for you and your family. -John and Beverley Grant
Sometimes True Stories
“How do we put our faith to work?”
1) By living out day to day, moment to moment what we say we believe. That is by glorifying God through our day to day living… through our work… through our fun… even in the mundane.
2) By doing what Jesus did – loving others, helping others, sharing life with others. Not because we have to, but because He first did for us.
3) By going therefore – That is, by going to make disciples. Whether next door, down the hall, across the country or around the world. Put your faith into action.
4) By loving your neighbor as yourself (goes back to number 2). And who is your neighbor? Everyone – even if they don’t look like you. Overcome hate and disdain with love. Shine where you are.
5) By taking up our cross daily and following Him… loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength – loving him with all that we are. Love like Jesus. See as He sees. Respond like He would respond. Allow His heart to become our heart.
Let’s be clear – Faith and faith alone in Jesus Christ, the Son of God is what saves us. But as we live and grow in our faith in Him, we are called then to put our faith to work. So, others can see Him in us… so others might know of His great love, grace and mercy.
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The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful, and has nobody to thank. – Dante Rossetti
Someone said, “Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth”. So, now we have the definition of hate speech as anything that goes against one’s opinion. If you utter what they determine as “hate speech”, they will unfriend you or block you on social media or any public venue. The fact is, there is not their truth or your truth independently of any standard. There is only one Truth, that which is found in the Bible.
How, then, does one find this Truth? By faithfully reading the Bible. That’s where you meet Jesus daily. He is the way the Truth and the life. When you speak the Truth of Scripture, people will recognize that you have been with Jesus. His Truth will be offensive to some, or many, but stand firm and do not waver.
Fear not, God will not unfriend you. Rich Jensen
Quotes You Can Use
Edgar Aponte:
Beware of false teachings disguised as the Gospel.
The Lord Jesus came to rescue us from sin and death. Trust in Jesus alone!
To compromise the Gospel is to abandon God. Be thankful for Jesus and remain faithful to Him.
You cannot be faithful to the Lord Jesus if you are driven by a desire to please people. Please the Lord regardless the cost!
History always provides answers to current questions. Michael Smith
In these changing times, we need to be anchored to the unchanging Christ. Dan Shock
There are those who want riches and will work hard to the detriment of all else. They believe that riches will give them importance, security or happiness. Then there are those who want riches, but don’t want to work for them. Their ends may be the same, but hard work isn’t their calling. So, they gamble and play the lottery. In both cases it’s an economy that leads to sadness, depression and emptiness. Rich Jensen
As we begin to walk with Jesus, the Holy Spirit then teaches us the deep truths of God. Dan Shock
The law says do and live where the Gospel says believe and live!! Jim Wilson
Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare. To ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. Ephesians 3: 20
When you recognize your insufficiency, it causes you to lean upon God for His all-sufficiency. Dan Shock
You will always go backward when you try to look forward but only focus on your rearview mirror. Dwight Short
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Albert Einstein
There are those who reason well, but they are greatly outnumbered by those who reason badly. Galileo Galilei
Edgar Aponte:
The Gospel is God’s power that transforms sinners into saints.
The Gospel is true and powerful because God is its source. Trust the power of the Gospel.
The reputation of the message is connected to the reputation of the messenger. Watch your life.
In Christ, we are a new creation!! Don’t allow your past to determine your present or your future.
When we let our vision become earth-bound, we lose our eternal perspective. Dan Shock
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