Week Twenty-Three, 2024

Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom — He judges the world. So, you have Christ at his second coming described as the judge of the living and the dead (2 Timothy 4:1).

Recently, I accompanied a home inspector on one of his rounds. He was doing an inspection prior to closing so that the buyer would be aware of any problems. He was very meticulous and left not a corner uninspected. He even removed the cover of the circuit box to make sure the wiring was in proper form. He even went ten floors up and onto the roof. Nothing was overlooked.

It will be like that in our lives. We will be judged and nothing will be overlooked. Matthew 25:31-33 tells us clearly that the Son of Man is the Judge presiding over the judgment of nations. John 5:22 tells us that the Father will not judge anyone; He has committed all judgment to His Son, Jesus Christ.

Yes, all those who have given their heart to Christ will be saved and live for eternity in heaven. But, we all will be judged. We all must someday give an account to Jesus of what we have done to build His kingdom.

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.—2 Corinthians 5:9-11

God is a just God who will judge us according to our work. The Bema Seat of Christ is where Jesus will examine all we have done for Him—all we have done to build His Kingdom on earth. When it comes to building God’s Kingdom, we need to consider what are the right plans? What is the right foundation? What are the right materials?

When we stand before the Bema Seat of Christ on the Day of Judgment and have built His Kingdom using the right plans, foundation, and materials, we will receive the right rewards.

We will be purified, made white, and refined. The judgment that takes place at the Bema Seat of Christ is not a judgment for how we responded to Christ for salvation—that is, the Great White Throne Judgment. Rather the Bema Seat of Christ, or Judgment Seat, is for examining what we did for Christ after coming to salvation. This is a refining judgment.

Christians will be judged on…

• How they built their lives

• How they used their spiritual gifts

• The motives of their heart

Our lives will be closely inspected. Our life should be a preparation for that day of judgment. It’s not for salvation rather it is for believers and how they have lived their lives. Are you ready?



• Your heart toward God is revealed in how you approach Him and in how you treat others.

• Worship that pleases God springs from a pure heart. Don’t expect to fool God with faithless religious activities.

• We are in a constant battle against sin. Do not let sin exercise dominion over you.

• Hatred toward God becomes hatred toward others. Guard your heart from anger and envy.

• An unrepentant heart leads to destruction. Accept God’s provision of grace in Christ.

• Life without God is more than what we can bear. Don’t walk away from the Lord.

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Since 1987, Forbes has released its list of the world’s billionaires. This year, seven Tampa Bay residents are on the list.

The business publication reported that there are now more billionaires than ever: 2,781 in all, 141 more than last year and 26 more than the record set in 2021. The list is wealthier than ever, worth $14.2 trillion in aggregate, up by $2 trillion from 2023 and $1.1 trillion above the previous record, also set in 2021.

The seven members of the list who live in Tampa Bay are worth a combined $24.3 billion.

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When a woman is pregnant, she is not “expecting a child” – she already has one. She is not “going to be a mother” – she already is a mother. The baby is not “on the way”, the baby has already arrived. If we are going to change the way society treats unborn children, we have to change the way we speak about them. Frank Pavone

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If you have trusted in Jesus Christ, and Him alone for your salvation, (and I hope you have), then preparations are also being made for your marriage to the Lamb of God. You are being made ready, not by the finite things available to us, but by the infinite resources of Jesus Himself. You are being perfected daily by the sanctification of His Word. The venue, the guests, the service and the feast have been prepared perfectly beyond your expectations. And it takes place where you will spend your eternity….Heaven.

Will you be there? Rich Jensen


Everything in Scripture points to Jesus. Jim Wilson

Noah fell down many times in the ark, but he never once fell out of the ark. Charles Spurgeon

It is not the length of our prayers that makes them effective —it’s the relationship we have with God that counts. Dan Shock

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Judas is the best reminder of the caution required when pointing fingers and we discover three of them pointing at us! Dwight Short

We must make some radical decisions concerning separation from the world and its pollution. Dan Shock

Either you run the day, or the day runs you. Jim Rohn

Passion is a consuming, motivating love and commitment for someone or something. In this context, it is a burning desire to please God above men. Ted Traylor

Passion is what drives men and women to desire more than what is expected. It’s a fire in the belly that drives one to go deeper… to try harder… to give that extra push. Marty Stubblefield

“Growth is a fundamental aspect of life. We begin to grow and develop physically, mentally, and emotionally from the moment we are born,” wrote author, speaker, and host of the podcast Passion Struck, John R. Miles. “As we progress through life, we seek new experiences and challenges that help us grow and develop as individuals.”

Just as God was ready to forgive the Israelites, He is ready to forgive you —no matter what you’ve done. Dan Shock

The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value. Charles Dudley Warner

If earth is our “temporary home” then less than 1% of our time at work matters for eternity. Jordan Raynor


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