
Week One, 2019


By John Grant

Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew22:34-40

The first month of the year is the month of resolutions, most broken by the second month of the year. What are your resolutions? Maybe they are things like losing weight, getting in shape, reading a book a week, etc. How many, if any, of your resolutions deal with spiritual matters, like daily quiet time and Bible reading, discipling fellow believers, leading one lost person to Christ each month, etc.?

Perhaps you are thinking of honoring God with your generosity, but feel that your financial position lacks the ability to give much. Giving is important and a tithe is a tithe whether you make a million dollars a year or try to live on a minimum wage.

But there is more than money involved. The word “Lord” is the most common word in the Bible. Will it be the most common thought inyour mind as you live out the coming year?

We are admonished to keep our eyes fixed on Him. Hebrews 12:2 “Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right side of God’s throne.”

What will you give as you keep your focus on Him in this new year? Let me suggest the L.I.F.E acrostic.

  1. LABOR – God gives us a body to be used for Him. You may not be able to give a lot financially, but you can give your labor, in missions,constructions, walking your neighborhood and a lot more.

2. INFLUENCE – God gives us power and position and I refer not to just important people. You might exert your influence on the person in the cubicle next to you at work.

3. FINANCE – Share your financial resources. Got gives some much, some little but all enough to give.

4. EXPERTISE – Each of can do something well…. very well. What is your gift….. administrative, music, second language, etc.?

Take your life’s talent, recourses…… and give it all to Christ this coming year. I’m not a poker player, but I understand that when a player builds of a big war chest and feels he has a good hand, he pushes his entire resources and shoves them to the center of the table and says “I’m all in.”

How about you? Are you ready and willing to push all you have into the center of your life and say to God: “I’m all in?



Consider trying these habits for success:

• Waking up earlier. Adding an hour to your day by waking up an hour earlier can make you more conscientious and optimistic.

• Eating a healthy breakfast every day. This will give you the fuel your body needs for energy and help you keep focused during the day.

• Have a task that you are dreading on your to-do list? Getting it done first thing in the morning will help improve your productivity by saving yourself from stressing and agonizing over it all day.

• Exercising in your free time. An active body leads to an active mind. Make time to exercise whether it is in the morning, evening or on the weekends.

• Practicing an attitude of gratitude. Be less focused on what you may be missing and more focused on being in the present and enjoying the moment where you are.

• Taking time to reflect on your day, every day. Keep a journal of your thoughts, successes, failures and the lessons you have learned.Review your journal each weekend.

• Giving back to your community. Volunteer for causes and organizations you feel strongly about, and especially help those who are less fortunate than you are.

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The Barna group released a study that indicates up to 80% of church goers do not participate in The Great Commission.

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Don’t let too much of yesterday eat up your time today.

Sixty might be the new forty, but nine is the new midnight.

The Bible is the only book whose author is always present when one read sit.

Never let anyone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything.

God reserves the right to interrupt our world at will in order to accomplish His predetermined will. Ken Whitten