Week Twenty-Four, 2019

“Thoughts on Life,” by Florida Senator John Grant, Retired


It was 1908, the early days of Major League baseball in America. The Chicago Cubs and the New York Giants were battling it out for the National League championship and the opportunity to play in the World Series. New York first baseman Fred Merkle was in position to be a game-winning hero actually. He was on base when a teammate got a hit that would enable Merkle to score. And he thought he had as he crossed home plate.

But the Cubs touched second base and claimed that Merkle had missed that base as he was running to score. The umpire ruled that the almost-hero was out at second because he hadn’t touched the base. That mistake ultimately cost his team the championship.

In the early 1930’s, during the World Series, a player came to bat in the 9th inning with 2 outs. His team trailed by 1 run.

He hit a high fly ball that went deep to the outfield. He ran past 1st base and on to second. About that time, the outfielder retrieved the ball. As the batter rounded 3rd base, the outfielder threw to the cut-off man. The cut-off man turned and threw to home plate. The batter slid safely into home because the tag was late, but to everyone’s amazement, the umpire called him “out”, and the game was lost.

No one could believe it until the umpire explained that the batter was “out” because he had missed 1st base.

Our spiritual life is like baseball. We need to hit all of the bases. “Home” is Heaven, 3rd base is good works, 2nd base is going to church and 1st base is being born again.

Jesus said, “Unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” You cannot go to church and do good works and get to Heaven safely. Don’t try to slide into Heaven and get called “out” because you missed being born again.

The Bible tells us how to be born again in Romans 10:9; “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.”

Don’t be called “out” at Heaven. Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Jesus as your Lord and you will be saved.



There are 350,000 foster children in America. There are also 350,000 churches in America. Think about what would happen if each church took one child.

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Minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it. It requires a conscious decision because it is a countercultural lifestyle that stands against the culture of overconsumption that surrounds us.

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Looking down at your phone is the equivalent of hanging four bowling balls from your neck. Sixty pounds (or about the combined weight of those balls) is the same amount of force exerted when you tilt your head forward at about a 60-eegree angle to text or email from your smartphone.

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Florida ranks last among states in spending for mental health.

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Many years ago the late Stephen Covey wrote a book entitled “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” In it he proposed that an effective life is one where you develop a character that is aligned with timeless and universally recognized habits/principles which Covey referred to as “true north.”

The 3rd habit Covey laid out was to “Put First Things First.” It emphasized the need for the discipline and commitment to distinguish between the “important” things of life, and those that are simply “urgent” or “not important.” And to set our priorities in life based upon what is important, the “true north,” or as Jesus would say on the eternal things and people, not the worldly or temporary things of life.



Christians who are committed to their core, capacity, and context change the world, one eternal soul at a time. Let’s join them today. —Jim Denison

The problem with the world is there are too many people telling what is wrong and not enough people telling what is right. —Tony Evans

As you give yourself more and more to a life of constant communion with Jesus, you will find that you simply have no time for worry. Thus, you are freed to let His Spirit direct your steps.

Most people let their moments slip through their fingers, half-lived. They avoid the present by worrying about the future or longing for a better time and place.

We talk of the sin of the world not realizing that we are the salt needed to preserve it. —Jonathan Evans

God has the ability to turn things around very quickly. —Jonathan Evans

What a grand thing it is to be loved! What a far grander thing is to love! —Victor Hugo

We like our lives to be on cruise control. —Ken Whitten

95% of all actions we take are because of habit. To change our life we must change our habits.